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Warner-bros-dvd-rentalHave you had a hankering to watch episodes of Gilligan’s Island or The Adventures of Superman lately? If so, has Warner Bros. got a service for you! The company has rolled out Warner Archive Instant, a streaming service that features classic movie and television content.

For $9.99 a month, subscribers can have Netflix-like access to Warner’s back catalog of older films, as well as selections from studios such as MGM, RKO, and Allied Artists. Current offerings include The Mummy (the 1959 version), Tarzan and the Mermaids and Cat People,  77 Sunset StripGilligan’s Island and The Adventures of Superman.

Though the service only consists of a few hundred titles right now, Warner promises to expand the catalog in the near future.
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What do you think, Insiders? Is there room for a service like this in the crowded streaming market?
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Is ten bucks a month a fair price to pay for streaming access to old movies and TV shows?

[via Engadget]

7 Responses to “Warner Rolls Out Streaming Service for Classic Shows”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    ChristCrusader [visitor]

    They should have sold those rights to Netflix and saved themselves the trouble. I would have loved to have seen them on Redbox, but no, I won’t be paying another $9.99 to Warner to see them. They could have earned something for doing nothing by selling to Netflix, but instead they’re going to invest in infrastructure and get nothing from me. Too bad. These guys should be grateful for Netflix, and get some money from their cans of material sitting unused on the shelf.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    DanoFive0 [visitor]

    I have all that stuff on DVD. And it has Closed Caption..
    I bet they do not have Closed Caption set up on this new Warner set up. Just like RedBox.
    I will pass. If they had it set up right. And had Closed Caption on it. I may want it. But as it is now. No thanks…

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Stoney deGeyter [visitor]

    Not worth it at all. For $10/mo you could just start buying the DVD sets. Would have been better if they sold the rights to netflix, or even redbox instant. But a standalone service for just Warner shows? No way.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    DarrellP [visitor]

    They could put it on ROKU and charge $3.99/year like many other streamers on there. Old, archived stuff isn’t worth $10/month.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Courtney C [visitor]

      Agree completely! $10 is way overvalued. My Netflix and Hulu are only $7.99 a month — I’d pay maybe 2-3 bucks a month tops.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    robert [visitor]

    Maybe if they had more current movies or tv shows I would be willing at that price. But not for movies and tv shows I can buy for less then 10 bucks