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Here’s one for the “When will they learn?” file. Universal and its parent company, Comcast, have announced plans to test $59.99 premium video-on-demand for the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist.

Comcast subscribers in the Portland, Oregon, and Atlanta, Georgia, areas will have the opportunity to watch the action/comedy in their homes three weeks after its theatrical premiere on November 4.

A Universal spokesperson said the following about the new premium VOD price and window:

“The first of its kind, this experiment will allow the two companies to sample consumer appetite for this film in this window at this price while allowing the film to achieve its full potential at the box office,”

Previous attempts to get consumers to rent films for $30 two months after their theatrical release were generally considered failures, and studios wondered if the 60-day window was too long.

Do Hollywood execs really think moving the premium VOD release up by five weeks and doubling the price will work? Would you be willing to shell out $60 to watch a film 21 days after it’s released?

(via The Hollywood Reporter)


45 Responses to “Universal to Charge $59.99 for Upcoming Premium VOD Title”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Alan Smithee [8traxrule]

    Uh, no.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Movie Buffer [visitor]

    I won’t even pay more than the $6 “bargain” price at the theater. Why pay an extra $3 for the exact same movie on the exact same day.

    This isn’t the field of schemes: “If you charge them, they will pay.” No, I won’t.

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Lok3sh [lok3sh]


    That is all.

  4. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    Why on earth would I want to throw all my money away when the studios couldn’t care less on my opinions of what I want to see in movies? They might find some rich people or some with alot of kids who might go for this, but not the majority of people.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Don [visitor]

    Is this April 1st?

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    tinybrat [visitor]

    I wouldn’t pay $60 if Eddie Murphy himself was sitting next to me.

    And people said that the studios are oblivious to the needs and wants of their consumers.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Matt T. [visitor]

    Your article has a typo. It says 59.99, not 5.99. Wait, what?

  8. Member [Join Now]


  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Eddie B. [visitor]

    Uh, no, actually I’ll wait an additional 6 months or so and pick it up at Redbox for a $58.99 savings.

    Who thinks this stuff up? How about streaming it ON the release date for $599.99?

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    justme [visitor]

    These people MUST be on drugs!!!

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Abe [visitor]

    C’mon people!! It’s Eddie Murphy we’re talking here!! Who wouldn’t pay $100 for any of his movies?!?!?!?!?! /sarcasm

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Me Myself and I [visitor]

    I wouldn’t even pay that to see it BEFORE it was released. They really do think that consumers are stupid.

  13. Member [Join Now]

    Crazy, $10

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    LanIam [visitor]

    I think $15 per movie would be fair.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tyler [visitor]

    Nada, give me a break. It’s just one more attempt for the big movie providers to make more money.

  16. Member [Join Now]

    Total insanity, who left the doors unlocked at the studio asylum and let the nuts loose. If and I mean if I was even an Eddie Murphy fan and wanted to travel to a theater to see the movie, I would go when the prices were cheaper. Do all rich people think that the economy is all make believe and that the common person would rather starve their family or maybe not pay the over due bills, just to pay $60 to watch a movie? WHY DO YOU THINK REDBOX IS GETTING SO POPULAR!! I personally think that if we as consumers continue to pay the increasing prices at theaters so we can see first run movies, deserve what we keep getting. If we all stood together and stopped going to the theater until after the first 2 weeks of release when the prices drop the studios might, (and I use that word with great hope for those heartless trolls), get the idea and start lowering prices across the board. The greed of the rich to totally fleese the general public is unbelieveably insane, and what’s worse is most of us think we have to go along with the idiot in front of us and just keep paying the price. Reality is so sad, to keep watching the sleepwalkers day after day. WAKE UP!!!!!

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    eddie [visitor]

    Having read the article I’m still confused … is this $60 for just the one movie ? or is this $60 for a month or year ?
    If its $60 for just the one movie then there is no way. He#!, since this is 3 weeks AFTER the movie is in theater I’d so see it on the big screen for $10 a couple of weeks before I could see it from CamCast. Let’s see, … $10 for big screen OR $60 for the small screen and 3 weeks later.
    Sounds like Universal/ComCast are hurting for money and figure they can find some suckers with more money than brains.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      sgt Carter [visitor]

      I think their reasoning is that people will rent it for a large group in a home theater situation. So basically to make it worth it, you would have to have a large screen TV in a very large room and invite a ton of family/friends. The flaw in their reasoning is that not a lot of people will gather more than a group of 5 or so, so it won’t make financial sense especially 3 weeks after the movie is released. The only way that I can see anybody buying into this is if the movie is a blockbuster (e.g. The Hobbit) and it is available the same day as it is released to the theaters, not 3 weeks later.

      • Member [Join Now]
        IndianaDee [indianadee]

        It is to much, but a charge of maybe $20 with added content, like actors interviews, behind the scene looks, or a directors cut. It would cost less than going to a theater.

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dawn [visitor]

    I think paying for BOX is a waste of money in a time where money us very tight. That’s why REDBOX is so successful. $1 and a week later is what I’m willing to pay.

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joan Zaiz [visitor]

    I wouldn’t pay anyone $60, $30 or even$2 to see the majority of films
    that are coming out. I wouldn’t pay $0.

  20. Member [Join Now]
    Nancy Crauder [nscrauder]

    I am not interested in most of the films coming out, however if there was a film or event, I would go to see it at a bargain price, a week or so after it came out or wait to rent it on DVD. Nothing is worth $60, I don.t even watch Movies on Demand from my cable company.

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    tndawg [visitor]

    Has the movie industry not heard about the RECESSION yet? $60.00? Must be a miss print!

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mandy Reed [visitor]


  23. Member [Join Now]

    Are they nut’s? 60 bucks and you don’t even own the movie. I won’t even be paying the dollar at Redbox because Eddie Murphy hasn’t made a good movie in 20 year’s

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    David [visitor]

    This would be a good deal for discount movie theaters if they had more than 15 people come see the movie and pay like $5 other than that this will be another spectacular failure.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Stephanie Garcia [visitor]

    WOW! This was obviously concocted by rich people who think 60 dollars is the same as 5 dollars in my world.

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    Twyla [visitor]

    Bad idea. The super quick releases are already killed theater attendance. (and skyrocketing ticket & concessions are finishing it). $60 for first week release, yeah. ( well I wouldn’t but my sister would and I’d throw in a few bucks)

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dianne [visitor]

    You’ve got to wonder what they’re thinking. Perhaps, it’s get the money while you can. This has been the downfall of so many enterprises. Give the people a fair shake and they’ll be loyal.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Unhappy Camper [visitor]

    Dead on arrival. Whichever consultant offered up this idea should be fired.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    Koletech [visitor]


  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ambivalent [visitor]

    Fck no.
    And if redbox raises their rates I’ll be put too.
    People want a reliable service with great content,
    But most of all- people want a deal.
    We are the 99%
    Fckin 60 bucks for a movie you have to be kidding..

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    Cheryl [visitor]

    No way!!! What are they thinking? Money is soooooo tight and the economy is crap..Wake up Hollywood!!!!!

  32. Member [Join Now]

    Tell them to keep whishing

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Katherne [visitor]

    Uhm,no i would not pay 60 bucks to watch a movie 21 days after it is released. That is just plain ridiculous! I can go see 10 different movies for that price and still have enough money left over for popcorn.

  34. Visitor [Join Now]
    sue brandes [visitor]

    That is awful. They just want to screw people out of money.

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    Shawn [visitor]

    No way. Where did $60.00 come from. I will wait for Redbox.

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jeffery McDowell [visitor]

    SERIOUSLY NO!!!! If im gonna pay $60 to see a movie (w/wife and 2 boys), i would GO TO THE MOVIES…. I download everything for free off of the internet. I dont pay for cable. I pay $30 a month for Netflix, Hulu, and Videobb. I can watch anything(including new movies the opening weekend), through my XBOX 360 and windows media…HBO, Showtime dont get my $$$, but i still get to watch” True Blood, Dexter, and anything else i want to watch)..

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Michael [visitor]

    I seen them mention this on Access Hollywood last night and the only way this works is (A) it’s a big blockbuster movie (B) You’re one of those people that have the big home theater rooms in your house & has suround sound like the actual theaters do and you have atleast 4 or 5 people over chiping in on the price.

    You gotta figure the average person will spend $20 each at the movies ($10 per ticket & $10 at concession) ,so 3 people and you break even with this $60 VOD at home. Now figure in the cost and convience of being able to eat dinner at home & gas and I think this works for some people. However it wouldn’t for me cause once again, the key I think it being able to get the same picture & sound quality and all you would at the theater and I think only few people are rich enough to have that killer home theater room that we all dream of in their house.

  38. Member [Join Now]

    That is just ridiculous. Idiots.

  39. Member [Join Now]

    Wow! Once again Hollywood seems to have absolutely no concept of reality. We’re broke! They can’t seem to understand that. We follow sites such as ‘slickdeals’ in order to find discounts on fandango tix and sneak our own candy in the theatre. We do this because we would like to occasionally get out to see a movie, and yet still have money left over to pay outrageous grocery, healthcare, school, gas, and utility costs, just to name a fraction of the expenses. All during a 10% unemployment job market. We don’t bring in $20 million a year – in fact, those of us who still have jobs most likely bring home less than we ever have once you factor inflation expenses. $60 for a less than two hours of ‘entertainment’ from an actor with a horrible box-office track record? Seriously? It just seems like either a bad joke or another random e-mail failure the CEO of Netflix would put out.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    daddywoehl [visitor]

    I just came from bathroom whrere I looked in mirror to see if IDIOT was written on my forehead. someone must have it for them to think something like this will be sucueessful.