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The endangered theatrical window continues to be a hot topic in Hollywood, with three more theater chains joining Cinemark in a planned boycott of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie Tower Heist. Comcast and Universal are planning on releasing the film for $60 on premium VOD three weeks after its theatrical release.

Theater chains threatening to boycott include Galaxy Theatres, Regency Theatres and Emagine Theatres.
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According to Rafe Cohen, president of Galaxy Theatres:

“We just feel it’s a time to draw a line in the sand . . . This is virtually a simultaneous release that we don’t think will be helpful to anyone. We’re standing on principle that it’s best to preserve the theatrical window.
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Despite the widely ridiculed price point of $60 for Tower Heist on VOD, theater owners are clearly concerned about its potential impact on theater grosses. Is there a chance this film could surprise a lot of people and cut into theater margins?

(via Home Media Magazine)

6 Responses to “Three More Theater Chains Vow to Boycott ‘Tower Heist’”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kevin [visitor]

    No one will pay $60 for that movie. The theaters don’t need to worry.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    James Ryan hadlock [visitor]

    Why would anyone pay $60 for ANY movie? I guess if you’re having the neighborhood over for a party, but still! Somebody is banking on American consumers being really…stupid…oh wait…yeah.

  3. Member [Join Now]

    The ball is now in other theatre owner’s courts. If they get a few more names behind them like AMC, Regal, or even some of the smaller chains then it could get some attention.

    Cinemark is pretty big aren’t they? Locally we only have a few AMCs and then it’s all independents. One became independent and lowered their prices even as if having the franchise cost them more than it helped.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dandapani [visitor]

    $60 for a streaming movie. Heck, I won’t pay the robbers $4.99 for a new release movie streamed. Netflix is almost dead to me. I dropped their DVD service after the hike and their streaming catalog is a joke (I don’t care about streaming last years TV shows I refused to watch the first time!). All my movie rentals these days are Redbox and the Blockbuster Box (But BB can go to hell for trying to charge $3.99 for a “Hot Ticket” new release movie).

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    BH14 [visitor]

    “We just feel it’s a time to draw a line in the sand”

    Movie theater president wants to draw a line in the sand but then he thinks charging $13 per ticket, $5 popcorn, $5 drink and other ridiculous prices is ok. A family of 4 is looking at almost $100 to watch some lame movie. $60 to watch a streaming movie is still looking better than movie theater option. And I highly doubt people will be spending that much to watch it on streaming for that price.