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‘The Three Musketeers’ Preview

In our never-ending quest to keep you informed and up-to-date on movie and home entertainment happenings, Inside Redbox regularly takes a look at major films coming out in the near(ish) future that are already generating buzz and anticipation. This time around, we’re spotlighting the new remake of  The Three Musketeers.

Here’s the official trailer:


Every couple of decades, someone decides it’s time to make a new movie about the classic Dumas novel. This time around, the basic storyline from the book seems to have been completely cast aside, with nothing but the characters’ names and the general time period surviving.

Whether this new direction for the venerable musketeers pays off remains to be seen. Purists will scoff at the quasi-steampunk leanings and great historical liberties taken by the new film. Teenage boys, on the other hand, will get psyched about all the swordfights, explosions and air-to-air battles.

The Three Musketeers opens in 3D on October 21. Will you be shining up your boots and wearing your plumed hat to the premiere?

3 Responses to “‘The Three Musketeers’ Preview”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vernon Dent [visitor]

    Nice post Shane!

    Just goes to show that not only is Hollywood becoming more and more creatively bankrupt, but also, only willing to play it safe by rebooting old “tent-poles” and more than likely… getting it WRONG!

  2. Member [Join Now]

    Maybe on redbox, but not in the theater.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ashlee Shybut [visitor]

    Hello can I quote some of the information found in this site if I provide a link back to your site?