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175_90_blockbusterAs hard as it is to believe, Dish Network has owned Blockbuster for three years now. And how did Dish’s investment turn out? According to the satellite operator, it has lost $91 million on its Blockbuster adventure, with $47 million in losses taking place in the most recent fiscal year alone.

Dish shut down operations at its remaining 300 Blockbuster locations on December 31 of last year.
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The BB name now lives on through Dish’s Blockbuster @Home, a subscription streaming service.

Some would call this justice for all the “damage” Blockbuster did to mom and pop video stores. Others would lament the fall of the traditional video store as streaming grabs a bigger and bigger piece of the pie.

Do you think Dish is regretting its Blockbuster investment right about now?
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[via Home Media Magazine]

4 Responses to “The Cost of Dish’s Blockbuster Adventure: $91 Million and Counting”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    Probably. They were never able to leverage the name into anything useful.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    DanK [visitor]

    I wonder if the BB losses are the result of the Dish CEO, COO, et al cooking the books. What were their salaries?

    Dish totally mismanaged their store operation; for example, they did not give credit to the store when we rented a DVD via the mailer exchange. Therefore, they were able to establish losses at the stores.

    Also, Dish did not take advantage of the stores’ real estate to promote the satellite operation.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    jimbo [visitor]

    Blockbuster brought their problems onto themselves. Dish inherited them. I am an avid Family video fan. The last of the brick and mortar stores