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images (1)Ultra HD, which is better known as 4K resolution, has been limited thus far to the television of a few wealthy videophiles. Sony aims to change that with the announcement of two new 4K televisions at a more affordable price point.
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Affordable is a relative term however, with the new 55-inch and 65-inch LED TVs being priced at $4,999 and $6,999, respectively. Still, the new TVs’ pricing represents a significant drop from may previous 4K TVs that weighed in with five-figure prices.

Mike Lucas, SVP of Sony Electronics Home Division, said the following about his company’s new offerings:

“These new models will be arriving in homes just before the summer and are sure to bring the enhanced viewing experience of 4K TV to a whole new audience . . . Our TVs deliver a vibrant and natural picture that is four times clearer than high-definition.
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As for content, these new sets enhance all of the video people are watching today, and this summer our 4K media player, followed in fall by the video distribution service, will demonstrate how Sony continues to lead in bringing the 4K entertainment experience to viewers.”

With content still coming out very slowly for 4K televisions, how do you think these new devices will sell? Are you going to be making the jump to Ultra HD anytime soon, Insiders?

[via Home Media Magazine]

5 Responses to “Sony Announces New Ultra HD TVs with Lower Pricing”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vernon Dent [visitor]

    Sony’s BDP-S790 $250.00 DVD player has 4K upscaling. I have seen Ultra HD; it is very impressive. You can’t see ANY picture elements nor horizontal lines. This is the end of the line.

    I think PROJECTOR systems might be the form factor for 4k.

  2. Member [Join Now]

    Not anytime soon. The price needs to come way down and the content needs to go up.

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Fog [fog]

    I don’t mind paying 5 figures for a quality picture…as long as the first three are zeroes!! :)

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Charles [visitor]

    Price needs to be much lower and there needs to be content before I replace or add to my TVs. I’d rather see more content for 3D viewing. I am a big 3D fan…don’t mind wearing glasses and they don’t bother me. After watching 3D movies on my TV, it’s hard to go back to 2D.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    pootroot [visitor]

    I don’t get it !!! My video quality is absolutely superb on my tv. I don’t see how it can possible get any better ! I do not see any horizontal lines or any other signs of low quality.