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Should Microsoft Buy Netflix?

netflix-logoJim Cramer, Wall Street analyst and zany host of the show “Mad Money” has a suggestion for Microsoft: buy Netflix. Cramer claims that the software giant has “lost its edge” and that a pickup of Netflix could be just the ticket to help Microsoft get its mojo back.

Rumors of a Netflix buyout by Microsoft aren’t anything new, but Cramer’s open declaration may make them a little more legitimate. Says Cramer:

“Buying Netflix … they’ve got revenue, they’ve got brand recognition, they’re on the [remote control]; being on the clicker of new TVs matters tremendously,”

Cramer believes that by harnessing the combined power of a Netflix purchase and its Xbox console, Microsoft could become the dominant force in home entertainment:

“Most importantly, 27 million people. [These subs are] different from the Xbox gamers. They could own the living room,”

Cramer also believes that Netflix’s dynamic CEO, Reed Hastings, would be a great candidate for the Microsoft chairmanship. Hastings is a former Microsoft board member and is already fairly familiar with the company’s workings.
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Says Cramer:

“Netflix should be for sale . . . I think the world of Reed Hastings.
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He’s terrific… [He] is a visionary. Microsoft needs a visionary at the helm . . . If Microsoft wants to get its groove back, it should buy Netflix.”

How would a Microsoft-owned Netflix be able to compete in the marketplace, Insiders? Would Reed Hastings be able to make Netflix a hipper company in the eyes of consumers?

[via Home Media Magazine]

7 Responses to “Should Microsoft Buy Netflix?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    DanoFive0 [visitor]

    Please No! No and No! I can just see it now. MicoFlix. Ha! And they will mess it up!
    Not going to happen! I hope?

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Trevor [visitor]

    No way! Don’t ruin a good thing!

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    DarrellP [visitor]

    I supported MS computers for 25 years and I sure as heck don’t want to have to start rebooting my DVD every time I play it. LOL.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jimbo [visitor]

    How quickly Wall Street forgets the Qwikster debacle! Hastings is a loose cannon not a visionary.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Matt T. [visitor]

    I strongly recommend that this DOESN’T happen. Microsoft will run this company into the ground and nothing beneficial will come out of this. They have a history of buying companies, trying to remake the products said companies produce in their own image. All the while, getting rid of the employees that made the original product. Then within 2-3 years, they declare their own efforts a failure! Look for the 6 billion writeoff of aQuantive last year.

    No thank you!

  6. Member [Join Now]
    TudorFanB4Showtime [tudorfanb4showtime]

    “…I think the world of Reed Hastings. He’s terrific… [He] is a visionary. Microsoft needs a visionary at the helm . . . ”

    Famous last words! Others have already said it, but I’ll add to it because Hastings is the very reason why I dropped my Netflix membership for a couple of years. Qwikster. Stupid, stupid idea! And it came from a very arrogant man whose email to Netflix subscribers I still have archived in my email folder just to remind me of what a piece of work he is. So if Microsoft wants him to be a part of their organization — well, my already low opinion of them will definitely hit rock bottom.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Software for Quibids [visitor]

    Searching for this for some time now – i guess luck is far more advanced than research engines :)