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download (1)Hollywood, theater owners, and 3D movie-lovers aren’t going to like this news. According to a report from credit rating agency Fitch Ratings, 3D movie box office results are set to see their first year-over-year decline since 2009.

The agency chalks up this predicted decline to an anticipated lower overall box office in 2013 compared to 2012, as well as rising consumer reluctance when it comes to spending an extra to for 3D movies.
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According to the Fitch study’s authors:

“Attendance likely benefited from the initial proliferation of 3-D films . . . However, the initial excitement has dwindled, and consumers are focused again on the overall quality of the film and are weighing the cost of a premium ticket versus a base 2-D ticket.
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The authors go on to state that 3D’s price premium may be diluting the value proposition that movies claim to offer:

“Going to the movies remains one of the lower-cost forms of entertainment . . . However, increased pricing, particularly on 3-D films, may erode this perception over time.”

Are you going to fewer 3D movies now than you did a few years back? Or did you never see what all the 3D movie fuss was about in the first place?

[via The Wrap]

5 Responses to “Report: 3D to Decline for First Time Since 2009”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    It gives me headaches – I don’t go

  2. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    If a movie I want to see is available in 3D I will always go to that version. Many of the movies that it’s being used on I’m not interested in. I like Horror, Comedy, and Sexy Male movies like Magic Mike

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    DarrellP [visitor]

    I concur with the article. I’ve only seen specials in 3D at Imax. I refuse to pay the premium for a 3D movie. In fact, I don’t pay for a regular movie, they are just too darn expensive today. Add the outrageously priced, poison popcorn they sell and all the idiots using cell phones in the theater, I’ll wait for the DVD and make my own awesome popcorn (NOT microwaved) at home with real butter. YUMMMMY!!!

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Charles [visitor]

    If it’s a movie I want to see and it’s offered in 3D, I’ll go to that. But I agree that theaters are pricing me out of attending. Maybe they should offer a lower price if you bring you own glasses.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Strike Back episodes [visitor]

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