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If you’re using your PlayStation or Xbox to watch online video, you’re far from alone.
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Strategy Analytics has released a report stating that 12% of U.S. households—which comes to about 15 million—watch online video content via their gaming consoles.

Ed Barton, director of digital media strategies at Strategy Analytics, says that the console manufacturers and content creators are well aware of this increasing usage, and are working hard to capitalize on it:

“Xbox Live content expansion addresses the desires of an increasingly demanding customer base and offers more reasons than ever to use the Microsoft box as opposed to its myriad alternatives . . . Competition will intensify through 2012 as rival opportunities are brought to market.”

Do you use your gaming console to stream online content, Insiders?

(via Home Media Magazine)

9 Responses to “Report: 15 Million Households use Xbox 360, PS3 to Watch Online Video”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    I’ve tried streaming on the PS3 but I’m not terribly happy with it. It seemed awfully twitchy.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jamie [visitor]

    Use the PS3 for Netflix and the picture is amazing.

  3. Member [Join Now]

    While the PS3 has HDMI for video out because of the blu-ray disc drive, one has to question when you use theses device for all the additional add- on features it offers..i/e: blu-ray play, streaming on top of it’s primary function, gaming…What kind of lifespan is the device going to have?
    I wouldn’t want to go and try to play a game someday and not have it work because of the overused additional add-ons…. Especially with everything cheaply made in china.
    I use my Seagate theatre+ streaming box for streaming, it is very cool and has full 1080p HDMI for incredible picture and sound.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      JLamp [visitor]

      The extra features use the same hardware components. Playing DVDs and blurays uses the same technology to play video games. Streaming video whether from a PC or Netflix is really no different either. There is software on the PS3, whether its native (DLNA) or 3rd party (Netflix,etc) to handle the incoming data and present it to you on your TV.

      You are at no additional risk to shorten the lifespan by using these features.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        BH14 [visitor]

        “You are no additional risk to shorten the lifespan by using these features.”?

        You are still putting lots of hours of normal wear and tear on it. Whether it is watching lots of hours of blu-ray/dvd movies or watching streaming, it is putting normal wear and tear and has to shorten life span somewhat compared to the other person who just puts very little hours on the ps3. I use my panasonic blu-ray player for discs and streaming lot more often compared to my ps3. And standalone blu-ray players have a much lesser failure rate compared to PS3s.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    JLamp [visitor]

    I’m a big fan of the PS3 and its ability to replace other TV devices. I personally use mine for Netflix and Hulu Plus like others in place of cable (Uverse and Cox in my area). Additionally I use PS3 Media Server on a performamce driven desktop to stream any other shows I can’t find on Hulu.

    I also continue to use it for vidgames and playing DVD/blurays. I’m glad to say its held up well over the years. The first issue I’ve had with it (snow like picture during bluray playback) just occurred and anticipate it will be easily resolved by cleaning the lense.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pammygirl [visitor]

    We have 3 Xbox 360’s in our house, and use them for streaming WAY more than we use them for gaming. Hulu Plus, Netflix, computer streaming, it does it all, and I don’t have to fork out $200 monthly for cable. Streaming is definitely the way to go for me. Even if it does shorten the life of my xbox, it makes more sense to me to go buy a new xbox for a one time (or once every five years or so) cost of $200, rather than shell out $200 a month for cable. But we’ve been streaming for about 2 years now, and all of our equipment is still going strong. :)

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    BH14 [visitor]

    I’ve used streaming from playstation network, hulu+, netflix, vudu and amazon VOD in the past on my ps3 and the quality is actually very good especially in HD and never really buffered on me. However, Netflix is such a rip off that it is useless to me. Hulu+ isn’t worth it because of the lack of shows available. The PS3 isn’t really the problem. It is the content on it that isn’t that good for the price. I do like amazon VOD a lot more than the others though because they run rental deals.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Maggie [visitor]

    I stream Netflix on my PS3 and my XBOX360. While the XBOX breaks (RED RING OF DEATH) often, I have less problems with using Netflix. On the PS3, the system sometimes locks me out or asks for a password for netflix even though it has been activated online already a while ago.