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Rejoice, video game-loving Insiders! Your long wait is over, as Redbox is about to roll out a massive expansion of its video game offering in its kiosks. Beginning June 17, video games for all three major consoles (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii) be available for per day at more than 21,000 Redbox kiosks nationwide.
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According to Home Media Magazine, launch titles will include Brink (PS3, Xbox) Call of Duty: Black Ops(PS3, Xbox, Wii), Duke Nukem Forever (PS3, Xbox), Family Party: 90 Great Games (Wii), Infamous 2 (PS3), Just Dance 2 (Wii), L.A. Noire (PS3), Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (Xbox, Wii),Michael Jackson: The Experience (Wii), Red Faction: Armageddon (PS3, Xbox), Rio (Wii), Transformers: Dark of the Moon (PS3, Xbox, Wii) and You Don’t Know Jack (Xbox).

Redbox president Mitch Lowe says that with the addition of video games to Redbox’s existing nationwide offering of DVDs and Blu-rays, Redbox is now “America’s one-stop shop for entertainment.
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Redbox’s VP of video games, Joel Resnik, offered the following on the expansion:

“From your local grocery, convenience or drug store straight to your family room, the next dance-off, face-off or family night just got more affordable and fun,”

Are you excited about the big Redbox video game rollout? What game(s) will you be renting first? Is this a viable alternative to GameFly and other video game rental options?

(via Home Media Magazine)

17 Responses to “Redbox Video Game Expansion Begins June 17”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Good Deal [visitor]

    I’ll certainly be happy to use Redbox over Gamefly. Gamefly was taking over a week to ship sometimes so I upgraded to the 2 game plan so at least I had something to play while waiting. On average I get 3 games per month for $23. Since I only rent single player games I beat most in 2-3 days but the shipping takes forever and I’m in the same state as the distribution center!

    So with redbox I can get it instantly, keep a game for 2 days at 4 bucks, on average paying 12 bucks per month for 3 games which is almost half of GF. I also like the fact I know what I’ll be playing, GF is hit or miss. I had LA Noir as my top game since its release date and still haven’t gotten it.

    The only thing GF has is the selection. If Redbox focuses on new releases I’ll be a happy gamer.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Wesley [visitor]

    I can definitely see using this for multiplayer games that I don’t want to buy, but want to play at a lan party or on a Saturday Night.

    Too bad Portal 2 (The big multiplayer game that I don’t want to buy) isn’t on that list.

    My only question: Is it worth $2 to confirm for sure that Duke Nukem Forever sucks?

  3. Member [Join Now]
    october262000 [october262000-2]

    this is great !! try before you buy , however there are some games that redbox doesn’t have “ie multidisc games” (LA NOIRE) for xbox 360, because the game is on 3 discs.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Melissa [visitor]

    I am excited to try this. Just hoping they will have games available.

  5. Member [Join Now]

    I haven’t used Gamefly, so I can’t compare but I am definitely excited about this.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Robert [visitor]

    I think they should have multi disk games. But only let you do it online. Like how you can go on the site and order a movie.

    But then again when I try to do the find a redbox on my computer the locator doesn’t work for some reason.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kim R. [visitor]

    No one in my area in Texas seems to know about this feature yet. Good for me on this launch day for Redbox; I did break down and get Duke Nukem for the xbox. And yes, it’s way better to try out this game vs. buying it for full price, lol.

    Seems like my Redbox at the local Walgreens only has 1 of each titie; got home and looked at the availability of games online and it was sold out of the game I got. Maybe, maybe not, but at the very least it tells me they will have a limited selection and availability of titles until it gets to be a more popular feature.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    MovieTime [visitor]

    Got a text from them today, but the games have been available around me since last week
    My friend who lives in the south has had them since January, so I was looking forward to being able to rent some where I live, unfortuantely the only 2 games I want are not available within 50 miles of me! : (

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ridgerat [visitor]

    I work for redbox. Not all machines will get games during the national rollout, for various reasons. We inserted multiple copies of many games, and in some cases, only a single copy of a particular game in a particular kiosk. However, due to the natural migration of discs, they will be available whenever, and wherever, they are returned. In talking with customers, it seems people are either finished with a game, or bored with it, in a matter of a few days. So, this is cheaper than buying games. Remember you can reserve games online at your kiosk of choice.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      James [visitor]

      Thanks Ridgerat for the info!

      Totally stoked about this expansion. Fantastic. Can’t wait to play more games.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Becky [visitor]

    I’m not happy about the games coming. It’s hard enough to use redbox without waiting in line for long periods of time now and with games coming, there will be longer waits as people browse through all the titles etc. I have all but given up on using redbox due to the long wait times. I will continue to patronize my local dvd rental stores or simply use netflix. Sorry redbox, but I think you will cause enough of a problem with wait times that you will loose alot of current users. I hear a lot of complaints already just walking by the boxes.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      undecided [visitor]

      Thats why they have the “reserve online” feature. So atleast after your long wait the one you want is there….

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Amy [visitor]

    My kids are BEYOND EXCITED about Redbox having games available. The ability to try out a game to see if you like it and if it’s age appropriate for $2 is wonderful. :)

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    achete jeux ps3 a l'usine [visitor]

    Some truly nice and utilitarian info on this website , as well I believe the design has got fantastic features.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Angeline Merine [visitor]

    We are actually slightly baffled by this particular post. Didn’t you make a similar remark earlier this week? -Angeline Merine @ Twisted Metal PS3

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Reserver jeux videos [visitor]

    J’adore sans déconner ça envoie :) ! Mais bon, faut voir ce que ça vaudra une fois entre les mains ..