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Redbox Considering Price Increase?

RedBox-LogoLong-time Insiders will remember the quaint times when a Redbox DVD rental cost just a buck a night, as compared to .
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20 these days. The current price, however, may soon become a memory if Redbox’s current pricing model tests pan out.
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According to J. Scott Di Valerio, Redbox parent Outerwall’s CEO, Redbox is in the middle of testing new pricing models that it hopes could eventually become permanent and increase its operating income. Said Di Valerio:

“We do bits and pieces of price testing all the time, and we’ll do more price testing,”

Redbox currently charges $1.20 a night for a DVD and $1.50 for a Blu-ray Disc. What do you think a fair price increase (if any) would be?

[via Home Media Magazine]

61 Responses to “Redbox Considering Price Increase?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    justme [visitor]

    A fair price increase would be “0”. Sounds fair to me…they don’t need to increase it anymore!!! I already get most of my movies from the library and if Redbox keeps increasing their prices I’ll get ALL my movies from the library!!!!!

  2. Member [Join Now]
    Shemp Howard [shemp-howard]

    redbox should do more bundles…

    3 for 2 or rent 3 now get 2 free latter.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    anonymous [visitor]

    I already pretty much stopped renting when they went to $1.50. Takes me a couple of nights to watch so I end up deciding against it nearly every time. I rented often when it was cheaper (granted, I watched DVDs then).

  4. Member [Join Now]
    onyx [onyxxfirecomcast-net]

    Someone suggested Redbox renting bundles. I, personally, don’t really like that idea. They already have 2 for 1 deals, but I am rarely able to watch two movies on the same day so I end up paying for a second night anyway. I keep telling myself it’s a waste to bite on the 2 for 1 deals ’cause it ends up costing me more.

  5. Member [Join Now] [tiffanydouglas-usa-com]

    I do not think there should be a price increase. I feel like I am paying enough for a one night DVD. $1.00 a night was great now it’s $1.20… I feel it should not go up anymore.

  6. Member [Join Now]

    I used to regularly rent 4 movies at a time at least once per week. The only way I rent now from Redbox is if I get a code. I refuse to pay $1.20 per rental. It seems to me that I recall hearing that Redbox realized a $4 BILLION profit for the quarter that just preceded their price hike. $4 BILLION wasn’t enough of a profit for Redbox so they had to raise their prices because of it? If Redbox raises the price again I’ll wash my hands of them and join Amazon Prime or Netflix (at least with video on demand I won’t have to deal with scratched and/or greasy DVD’s).

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Joe Schmuck [visitor]

      You heard wrong! They haven’t made even close to that in their ENTIRE existence. Learn to read a financial statement.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    roy [visitor]

    Increase price loose renters and subscribers your choice red box . I feel prices are a bit high now, any more and I will stick to the library. There free there and usually I can get the newer movies quicker because they have more copies of them.

  8. Member [Join Now]

    Red Box is trying to go out of business at least it sounds like they just raised the prices now they want to raise them again. I guess 4 billion in profits is not enough.

  9. Member [Join Now]

    i never receive promo codes anymore! They used to send them out usually once a month but now they have stopped and if they do email me with a discount or promo its usually expired by the time i try to use it!!!

  10. Member [Join Now]

    …And blu ray are more than dvd and i have switched to blu ray but now since the cost is higher for them i usually go with the dvd so i have to miss my hi def because the price of the blu ray discs:(

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Leis karcher [visitor]

    You guys are ridiculous. Whining about 20 cents. The cheapest place to rent movie other then redbox (not including the library… Seriously the library?) is still like 4-5$ for HD. So they are still way bow the current market price for a rental. And you people whining about the lack of discount codes or free codes are the exact reason they never send any anymore. Because cheapskates like you only rent with a code. You never come back to pay full price. Which may I remind cost less then a cup of coffee. It’s not smart business to pander to the cheap non paying customers.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Lizz [visitor]

      It’s not just 20cents. Many rent multiple discs multiple nights. It may not make sense to pander to the budget conscious customer, but isn’t that their main draw? I wouldn’t pay 20cents more at the pump. What’s the difference?
      There is a cheaper, viable option that people will move to. My library gets new movies before redbox on many occasions. No brainer.

    • Member [Join Now]
      Joe LittleBear [joe-littlebear]

      It’s called “the Salami method” in case you aren’t old enough or can’t remember the method that Russia used back during the “cold war” to acquire territory. …They would send their troops to capture a small portion of a neighboring country….and I emphasize “small”….not big enough to start an international war over….but enough to generate complaints and some “saber rattling “….then they would wait until the dust settled and take another small portion….. repeating this until only a small portion remained…and that wasn’t big enough to fight over….so they got it all. … it goes with price increases. demonstrated by our postal address system. ..I can remember when it cost one penny to mail a post card and three cents for a first class letter……that price has come a long way to today’s rayes.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Juan C. Figueroa [visitor]

    So, after killing the market and rent stores they want to rise and rise the price? people will download movies again instead of watching them legally.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Donna Scruggs [visitor]


    • Visitor [Join Now]
      erich [visitor]

      I’ll third that one too Juan C. F..

      The more they raise the price or not give Good Customer Service, the more likely the Pirating will be increasing. I thought the once a month Free Code was a good idea and Yes I do rent others at the Full Rate $1.26 per night. When they have something worth renting and not some junky movie. I use the Free code on the ones I think I might like to see, not the good ones. That way if I don’t like the DVD rental I don’t feel so bad because it was Free.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Buzz Killington [visitor]

    Everyone complaining is ridiculous. Back in the 1990’s when they had local video stores, I remember paying more than $1.20 to rent a VHS new release. Then BlockBuster took over and it was closer to $4-5 for a DVD.

    The fact that you can rent a DVD for about the same price you paid 20 years ago is amazing. Realistically they could charge $2 and you’d still be getting a deal over On Demand.

    Then again the same people who are complaining are the same type of people who will pay $9 for a pack of cigarettes. But $1 for a movie is too much?

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Tiffany [visitor]

      What you don’t understand is that when we rented from a store back in the day, yes it was $4 or so, but it was for 5 DAYS! Not one day rentals.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Buzz Killington [visitor]

        I have to admit I don’t understand this. Under most circumstances, you’re going to watch a movie only once. If you know you aren’t going to be around, don’t rent it from RedBox that night.

        I know kids sometimes like to watch things 40 times, but what good is a 5 day rental for a movie? A videogame I get – but a movie?

  14. Member [Join Now]

    5 cents, everything cant be 5 cents

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Karen [visitor]

    If they keep raising prices, they need to include the extras that usually come on a DVD.

  16. Member [Join Now]
    Mr.B [jbeckford]

    well, lets see…… way back when Blockbuster was a buck they went to 3-5 dollars plus all sorts of devices, different prices for length of time movie was on the shelf. look what happened to them. (even the graduated price at Blockbuster kiosks repealed me). we all exited to redbox where it was a dollar. Now Redbox wants to commit kiosk suicide by raising the price. Most of us do not rent more than one movie a night. Some of us do not have the downloading, streaming ability. Keep the price the same and come up with some other method corporate to make your profits

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    Thomas [visitor]

    A fair increase would be like $2.00 for a DVD and $2.90 for a Blu-Ray!

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Bpoor [visitor]

    Wages are low and jobs are harder to get especially us in our late 40’s. I will stop buying red box and read a book. It has gone to that already. Minimum wage does not support a family and I have to have prior experience to get a better paying job after going in debt for education. Sorry Red Box. You make more money then I do, I am done supporting your luxuries. I need to feed my kids instead. Good bye.

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    ray [visitor]

    just sellout to time warner they will run redbox to the ground

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    laura [visitor]

    I already rent less than since they raised to $1.20…raise it again….I’m removing my name and email.

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    john [visitor]

    ” Seriously the Library” Yes, library, SERIOUSLY. It’s free to rent, you get two days to watch, and the late fees are only $1…So Yes, the library, seriously.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    heather [visitor]

    I agree I use the library all the time. The newest releases are 2days and the older titles (usually anything past 6 weeks old is 1 week) and they are free to borrow and $1.00 late fee per movie. I go to my library multiple times per week and my library allows 4 movies per card. I’ve really lessened my redbox use since the price increase and mainly rent if it’s a movie I REALLY want to see or if I receive a code.

  23. Member [Join Now]

    If they increase their prices, then there will be no advantage to using Redbox, as far as I am concerned. I might as well get the DVDs from a local video store. The only reason I use Redbox, is because they cost less than the video store!!

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Patricia [visitor]

    I have to admit when Redbox went up to a $1.20 we rarely rent anymore. If they do increase the price I’d say 5 cents but if they go to a $1.50 I can see it really hurting their business. Our library lets you have the movies free for a week so it is a better deal.

  25. Member [Join Now]

    I remember paying Block Buster much more to rent a dvd. Guess that is why they all went away in the Okc area. To me a $1.20 is CHEAP. No one wants to pay more but it would not be bad if they raised it another 20-30 cents. But it was at a buck for a LONG time and not that long at $1.20. If they raise again so soon they need to promise to lock the price in for a long time. I also have Netflix and more often I will wait longer to get from Netflix rather then paying the $1.20 to get it on release day. Some big movies I can not wait and reserve it at RedBox at 5:30am. LOL

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    Streamer [visitor]

    When they were $1.00 a night, I’d rent 4 to 5 movies per week. When they went to $1.20 per night, I joined Netflix Streaming and dropped down to maybe1 or 2 per week and only if they were really good movies. If they raise it again, Netflix will be my only source of movies.

    What gets me is that companies use the excuse of rising costs to raise their rates but what they do not realize is that all the price increases from each company us people have to pay monthly is more than what we get in cost of living. I think it’s about time we the people give notice that due to price increases, we will only pay 70% of our bills. Hey, if they can do it, what can’t we? :)

  27. Member [Join Now]

    I just don’t understand why people are gripping about a small increase to rent a movie. People on here talk about .20 being such a big problem if they increase the amount of a movie purchase. There are other increases that don’t seem to bother people, the may grip about it but in the end they pay for the increased product.
    I am not a wealthy person, I’m on the very low side of the poverty scale, and there are things that I need to buy which has had increases, gas is the biggest one, it going up and down constantly and we still need to have it to get to work or go to the store. So I think that this increase is just a drop in the bucket so we can enjoy some entertainment for our kids or our selves. People pay for other entertainment enjoyment, that has increases, where else can you go get a movie for such a small amount, (other than the library) and get the new release movies cheap. I will still get movies from Redbox its convenient there are 3 here were I live so can go on the Redbox site and reserve the go get it that’s easier than when I was using Netflix going through the mail, I will stay with Redbox.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Oscar [visitor]

    I’d be fine with no more than a $0.20 increase. I only rent the number of movies I can view before 9:00 PM the next evening if for no other reason than to have the movies be available to others. Considering the number of RedBoxes within a 7 mile radius of my home and the ability to use my mobile app or computer to identify and reserve a movie and know where to find it before traveling is enough that I don’t have to hoard movies. Secondly, I too get movies for free from the local library, however, it’s more difficult to get a newly released movie from the library because they have left copies and the density of libraries near my house is a bit limited. Lastly, check out Comcast On Demand, Sony Playstation Store, Hulu, Netflix, etc. and the cost to watch the movie is quite a bit more. Also as per profit I believe the actual profit for 2013 was $105.6M.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    bork [visitor]

    If Redbox does any price increase I will stop renting from them altogether. A dollar a night was good and was a fair price. It pissed me off when they went to 1.20 and now they want to inch it up some more. Screw that, before you know it they will be up to 2 bucks a night. I’ll drop em like a hot potato.

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    utazdevl [visitor]

    Kind of shocks me that people are so up in arms about a potential price increase at Redbox. Yeah, I dislike paying more for something that used to cost less, too, but you have to consider 2 things:

    1) What will the new price be?
    2) Where can you rent DVDs/BDs for less than whatever the new price is?

    For the first point, given the $1.20/$1.50 price point now, we are likely looking at about $1.50 for DVDs and $2.00 for BDs per night, as I seriously doubt Redbox is going to do something “crazy” like nearly double their current prices. A 30-40% increase seems reasonable for consumers and likely helps their bottom line.

    Given this, point 2 becomes pretty straight forward for most. Where else are you going to find new release DVDs/BDs for less than $1.50/$2 per night? Some people will say the library, but if you live in a metropolitan area, getting a new release film from the library is virtually impossible for the first few weeks of release. Netflix Disc By Mail service costs $8/$10 per month for 1 disc at a time, and with mailing time, even a real “pro” can only get about 8 discs a month, making the pricing structure $1/$1.25, but that assumes no delays in the mail, and you have to always have a queued up title that has no wait. Realistically, you end up at about 6 discs a month, so you are at $1.33/$1.67 but locked into one disc at a time and the Netflix choice of which title you get when. Local video stores (if you can find one) still cost far more than Redbox.

    Much ado about nothing, if you ask me.

  31. Member [Join Now]

    Everything is going up in price. It’s inevitable that Red Box will also. So make your choice. Support them or go elsewhere.

  32. Member [Join Now]

    Heck, they’ve forces the rest lub the marketplace out. All there is is redbox or streaming. With a captive audience, they have two choices: milk it for what it is, or rape their customer base. As we’ve seen in other industries, it’s time to gab our ankles…

  33. Member [Join Now]

    I rent less, due the increase. So, my entertainment budget has gone down. Everything goes up, and our wages stop. Keep it reasonable or in the long run, your customers will decrease their renting.

  34. Visitor [Join Now]
    terry powell [visitor]

    If you go to a higher price people will stream more often and not go to the redbox on the street.

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    Donna [visitor]

    I am not in favor of a price increase, but if they do find the need to do this than my request is to put a redbox close enough to where I live so I won’t have to use a lot of gas to rent a movie. We have a Dollar General close by (no redbox), but all the Redboxes are at the ones in town and at the other stores. Would make more sense to put them in areas where it would be easier for people to rent and not have to drive so far to return them. Just Sayin!

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    WI Movie Lover [visitor]

    I understand that the price has to increase to compensate for other costs of operating and running the Redbox. I think that a price increase of 0.5 or .10 cents would be acceptable. Any more and I wonder why physical video stores are no longer abundant.

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Enuf Isenuf [visitor]

    When Redbox was $1 we were renting a couple movies a week. But ever since they raised the price we’ve been renting from Redbox a lot less. That’s partly because Redbox just doesn’t have a very good selection, but the higher their price goes, the less likely it is that I’ll rent movies from them.

    Lately we’ve been borrowing more movies from the library and renting more movies online. We tried going to our local Family Video several times, but sadly they’re all the way across town and they’ve been selling off their collection so they never had any of the older movies we wanted to rent, like Police Academy.

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    Train [visitor]

    I have been renting movies almost as long as Block Buster first made this option available at approximately $ 5.00 (for a week. I think ) I also have free access to free library tapes at approximately red box releases them. I will more than likely have a contract put out on me for the following comment. I think your current prices are more than fair. In my opinion a raise of approximately $ 150.00 per night is more than reasonable. I believe that your corporation is one of the best rental operations available. In as much as there is no question in my mind that many of your renters have many ideas for various methods of operation improvement as do I and would really appreciate the opportunity to share them with you by E.Mail if possible. Not being a wealthy person I still feel that going to $ 150.00 a night is reasonable and I would still be one of your best customers. Many thanks for this opportunity to send you my opinion and please make it available to all your renters to ponder. One less cup of coffee per day, gives you a movie.

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    Carrie [visitor]

    While the .20 increase seems small, remember that’s a 20% increase. Most will be riled to have to 20% more for anything! That said I rarely rent so I’m not really affected. I wait to get a code.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    jan [visitor]

    An increase would not come at a very good time considering the economy. More people are turning to streaming now so that would push more and more people to consider that.