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Rumors are flying around the internet that Verizon is deeply involved in the creation of a viable competitor to Netflix. In an exciting new development, TechCrunch has just reported that Verizon’s parter could be none other than Redbox.

Redbox has been rumored to be at work on a subscription service for a long time now, and TechCrunch is citing a source stating that the kiosk operator and Verizon are planning to launch a TV and movie streaming/download service in May of 2012.

According to the unnamed source, the new service will be compatible with a wide variety of platforms and devices,and will stream content in standard-def and high-def. The service is purported to be credit-based and include several monthly  pricing tiers, some of which will feature physical disc rentals.
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It bears repeating that this is all still somewhat speculative, but it’s still a fascinating idea.
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Do you think TechCrunch’s source is a solid one, Insiders? If this in fact turns out to be true, would this new direction for Redbox earn your business? Let us know what you think in the comments.

(via TechCrunch)

3 Responses to “Redbox and Verizon to Team Up on Digital Service?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    tinybrat [visitor]

    I’m guessing its true, as many websites are reporting it now. I’m just curious as to why they chose Verizon to team up with? Of all the possibilities, that never crossed my mind. I’m curious to hear the details of it if/when a partnership is announced. In any manner, my stock value went up quite a bit today, so thats cool!

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Randy [visitor]

    If Verizon would roll out FIOS to my area (they are currently not expanding service at all), they could count on me to check them out for video streaming….