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Are you not afraid to look a bit goofy to get a shot at big prizes?
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If so, you might want to check out Redbox’s “Share Your Love” contest. To enter, simply take a picture of yourself hugging a Redbox kiosk and share it with the world here.

Redbox has teamed up with social media marketing company Brickfish to sponsor the contest, which runs through October 9. The grand prize, which is a complete Sony home theater package, will be awarded to “the most creative, relevant, and likeable photo from the top 50 most viral submissions.”

For complete details, click here. Will you be participating in this contest, Insiders?
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10 Responses to “RedAlert: Redbox and Brickfish Launch “Share Your Love” Contest”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Shemp Howard [shemp-howard]

    “the most creative, relevant, and likeable photo from the top 50 most viral submissions.” How do you improvise a hug?

    Is it me or do some of the “huggers” look more like they’re doing the “humpty-humpty hump” with the vending machines?

    At least no one is trying to stick their tongue where it doesn’t belong! ;)

  2. Member [Join Now]

    Haha, always find it amusing how people just do something or agree to something without reading the fine print
    Please take pictures from outside locations only!

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Miker2 [visitor]

    Interesting, but not worthy of a RedAlert.

  4. Member [Join Now]

    I think it is definitely RedALert worthy, a year’s worth of free rentals!!!
    I really like the fact that, they are rewarding the prizes in two levels, one from votes and one from the company itself picking the winner
    I will definitely be participating, must think of a clever idea….

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Redboxpicture [visitor]

    I posted our picture a few days ago, please check it out and if you think we are creative then please vote!!

  6. Member [Join Now]
  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    shannon bendall [visitor]

    i just want you to know. i rent a lot of movies from redbox and when i tried to send my pic. and sign up it said first my email was already signed up. then my password was wrong. whatever. thats not fair and i finally gave up. way to go.
    that is b. s.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dracormoon [visitor]

    I kinda find this rule odd “Any content using the likeness of others or that reflects or contains a third party’s copyrighted material may be disqualified and removed.” To me this means if they can see an cover of a movie, you can be disqualified. So they are saying “Hug a Redbox but don’t anything but the logo and the color of the kiosk.” I was going to submit an entry but I don’t want to register to a website in order to enter. I do wish all the entrants Good Luck!

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    movieoutofmyway [visitor]

    i find it hilarious how that dummy who got all the votes from blasting it all over the internet didnt even read the rules, outside locations only!

  10. Member [Join Now]
    JoeZilch [joezilch]

    I read about that and thought “meh”. Then when at RedBox last night my wife was trying to hold onto the mancub when he reached out and hugged the thing. iPhone out, photo taken.