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We know you love movies and love saving money while watching movies, so we wanted to make you aware of a great deal happening this weekend. Groupon is offering five one-night Blockbuster Express DVD rentals for just $2. More info after the jump.

Click here to view the Groupon and all the details. You only have two days left to purchase the deal, and quantities are limited. Will you be taking advantage of this deal?

6 Responses to “RedAlert: Blockbuster Express Groupon This Weekend!”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    “Will you be taking advantage of this deal?” ….Not hardly. Why on earth would you buy any codes when you can get all the free codes you could possibly ever use on multiple internet sites??

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mike Flash [visitor]

    Is this ONLY for the Las Vegas Area or can be used all over the USA. The Groupon link shows it comes up in Las Vegas. Just wondering, need a little clarification I think.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tammi [visitor]

    Really Mike? Free codes for Blockbuster Video all over the internet? Would you mind sharing a few of the links? I’ve not found them so easily. Thanks!

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tammi [visitor]

    Oops..sorry Mike .. My mistake! I confused you with the moviecrazy poster above your post. By the way, I bought one of the Blockbuster Groupon deals just now and I am in Denver.

  5. Member [Join Now]

    I’m left with the question of what movies will you be able to rent with those codes? I still have been unable to use the last batch I bought because they would only work on movies that had been out long enough to be at the $1 price point. By that time, I’ve either forgotten or already rented and watched from other $1 vending options. So I’ve been thinking I’ll pass on buying these codes because they are or have been too restricted to use.

    The new pricing structure makes it even harder, unless they will allow you to use them for any rental as free.