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Welcome to another edition of Inside Redbox’s Preview Review, where we recap the movies that will be coming out in theaters this weekend. The goal of this feature is to help you make your weekend movie-watching plans, as well as to note movies that you want to Redbox in a few months when they come out on DVD.

You’ve got an action movie, a horror/thriller and a comedy coming out in wide release this week. Previews and the official trailers for Drive, Straw Dogs and I Don’t Know How She Does It are after the break.


Ryan Gosling takes the lead role in this film about… driving. Gosling plays a Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights as a criminal getaway driver. Expect mayhem, misunderstandings and murder to ensue. Rated R.


Straw Dogs

James Marsden and Kate Bosworth star as a married couple who revisit the latter’s home town and discover that a dark past doesn’t always stay in the dark. Rated R.


I Don’t Know How She Does It

In this comedy based on the best-selling novel, Sarah Jessica Parker stars as a working mom trying to have it all in the big city.  Rated PG-13.


Don’t forget that all of these films have to compete with the 3D release of the Disney classic The Lion King. What will you be seeing this weekend, Insiders?


2 Responses to “Preview Review: Theatrical Releases for September 16”

  1. Member [Join Now]
  2. Member [Join Now]

    Cat Woman with Halle Berry. Reason: She’s Halle Berry.

