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Preview ReviewWelcome to another edition of Inside Redbox’s Preview Review, where we recap the movies that will be coming out in theaters this weekend. The goal of this feature is to help you make your weekend movie-watching plans, as well as to note movies that you want to Redbox in a few months when they come out on DVD.

It’s a weekend of remakes and re-releases at the box office. The previews and trailers for Jurassic Park 3D and Evil Dead are after the break.

Jurassic Park 3D


Steven Spielberg’s dino classic gets spruced up in 3D for its twentieth anniversary. How will the dated but innovative at the time special effects hold up in 2013? Rated PG-13.


Evil Dead


This modern remake of the Sam Raimi classic tries to recapture the quirkiness, scares, and humor that made the original so beloved. Will it succeed? Rated R.

Are you going to check out either of this weekend’s wide releases, Insiders?

One Response to “Preview Review: Theatrical Releases for April 5”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    No to Jurassic Park because 3D gives me a headache.

    I haven’t seen any indication that the Evil Dead remake will have the same offbeat humor that made the original so distinctive and memorable. I think I’ll pass unless I hear something different.