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Welcome to another edition of Inside Redbox’s Preview Review, where we recap the movies that will be coming out in theaters this weekend. The goal of this feature is to help you make your weekend movie-watching plans, as well as to note movies that you want to Redbox in a few months when they come out on DVD.

If you’re into movies about fast(er) and furious(er) cars, animated fairy tales with a twist or hormone- and hysteria-fueled high school dances, there’s a new release in theaters for you this weekend. Descriptions and trailers for the wide releases coming out on April 29 are after the jump.

Fast Five

Paul Walker and Vin Diesel return in the fifth(!) installment in the Fast & Furious series. Chances are, if you liked the first four movies, you’ll like this one. If you didn’t see/like the first four, there’s probably not much new here for you. Rated PG-13.


Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil

The sequel to the animated, irreverent spin on the Red Riding Hood story from a few years back, Hoodwinked Too takes familiar fairly tale figures and turns them into secret agents tasked with rescuing a Teutonic-sounding Hansel and Gretel from a wicked witch. Rated PG.



Everyone’s favorite (or least favorite) high school dance gets the big screen treatment from Disney. Several relationships that are either blossoming or wilting are woven together as high school’s biggest social event looms large. Rated PG.

Will any of this weekend’s movies lure you out of the cozy confines of your living room and into theaters? Visit the comments and let us know.

3 Responses to “Preview Review: Theatrical Releases for April 29”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    Yuck. Not a chance.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    firstlawofnature [visitor]

    Dear John,

    Redbox made a lot of cash in Jan, Feb and March. Does anyone still think redbox doesn’t make money?

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Gary [visitor]

    Boy the new releases over the next two months are slim to none. A lousy time to rent movies. I’m sorry that Redbox tries to fill up their kiosks with crappy 3rd rate movies no one ever heard of. I realize they make more money that way,but it’s bad for true movie lovers like me.