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Welcome to another edition of Inside Redbox’s Preview Review, where we recap the movies that will be coming out in theaters this weekend. The goal of this feature is to help you make your weekend movie-watching plans, as well as to note movies that you want to Redbox in a few months when they come out on DVD.

It’s a lighter week at the box office, with just two films coming out in wide release this week. Previews and the official trailers for The Cabin in the Woods and Lockout are after the break.

The Cabin in the Woods

Produced by nerd icon Joss Whedon, The Cabin in the Woods takes the usual teen horror movie formula and shakes it up. Look for doses of sci-fi, humor, and other general Whedon-ness in this thriller. Rated R.


Guy Pearce and Maggie Grace star in a futuristic prison breakout film set in… outer space. Never thought I’d type those words in the same sentence. Cliched dialogue in the trailer aside, this film looks like it could have some Minority Report-style fun up the sleeve of its spacesuit. Rated PG-13.


Will either of this week’s wide releases lure you out to the multiplex, Insiders?

One Response to “Preview Review: Theatrical Releases for April 13”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sgt Carter [visitor]

    Shane, I think you missed the big movie coming out this weekend:

    The 3 Stooges movie comes out on April 13th and is purported in a Reuters news article to be suprisingly funny:

    “Get ready for something more shocking than a poke in the eye: “The Three Stooges” is genuinely funny, a no-holds-barred, smart-stupid comedy that (at the screening I attended, anyway) will win over Stooge-philes and non-believers alike.”

    I’m much more interested in that than the other crap that was released this week.