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Movie theater owners fear it, big-time directors loathe it, but premium video-on-demand in the form of DirecTV’s Home Premiere program is live as of last Thursday. And if (very) preliminary data is to be believed, premium VOD’s threat to box office performance may have been overstated by its opponents.
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The first film out of the gates was the Adam Sandler comedy Just Go With It, which has been in theaters for about two months. The movie’s gross dropped 26% from last week, but it also was shown in 19% fewer theaters, evincing a fairly insignificant impact from premium VOD, at least at this point in the film’s run.

Here come the caveats:

  • One instance does not a pattern make
  • DirecTV has not released any sales figures yet on its new $30 premium VOD rental service
  • Gauging the exact impact of premium VOD on a film will be difficult, especially on a moderately successful movie as far into its theatrical run as Just Go With It
  • These data are very informal at this point

A studio distribution executive consulted by industry website The Wrap advocated a tempered response to premium VOD’s real or imagined impact on theater earnings:

“There’s been a lot of Chicken Little stuff about this . . . (Exhibitors) should wait to see how this stuff plays out before they get worried about it.
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Is this sage advice, Insiders, or what you would expect someone on Hollywood’s side of the fence to say. Judging from this early peek at the effect (or lack thereof) of premium VOD on box office, how will things shake out with this controversial new offering?

(via The Wrap)

2 Responses to “Premium VOD to Have Little Impact on Box Office Performance?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    pootroot [visitor]

    $30.00 for a movie released 2 months ago is about as stupid as you can be. Moron, dumkoff, codatenka, danuganka, kitasan and other expressive names.