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Netflix has scored another small victory in its battle to obtain content for its streaming service.
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The company has signed a multi-year licensing agreement with Warner and CBS that will allow Netflix to stream CW network content beginning next fall.

While the financial side of the deal remains undisclosed, it is known that Netflix will gain access to more than 700 hours of CW shows such as Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill and Nikita.

CBS head honcho Les Moonves praised the new agreement:

“[Netflix] is a model that opens a new door for The CW programming to expand its audience reach through the terrific Netflix service and creates a brand-new window for CBS and Warner Bros.,”

Netflix streaming has had a rocky road when it comes to securing and keeping content. Is Netflix going to be able to fill the gaps in its streaming lineup quickly enough to silence its critics?
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(via Home Media Magazine)

8 Responses to “Netflix Signs Streaming Deal with Warner, CBS”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dandapani [visitor]

    Netflix is dead to me. I don’t want to watch last years TV shows on streaming. I want new released movies.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Robert [visitor]

    I would be willing to pay more for the service if more content and newer content is made available.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pootroot [visitor]

    There are so many, many things from the past that I never got to see. I love them all now that I can get them. I do not care for tv weekly shows but I really like the older movies I missed seeing cause I refused to pay the theater exorbitant ticket prices. And the documentaries and foreign movies are fantastic. I am retired so I have plenty of time to watch them. Keep up the good work Netflix.

  4. Member [Join Now]
    JoeZilch [joezilch]

    I wasn’t much of a believer in the TV content because I stuck my nose up at it. Then I watched the entire series of “Arrested Development” which I had never seen before and I became a convert. I’m now going through “Scrubs” and my mancub watches “Fraggle Rock” and a few Disney cartoons (until Netflix loses them this coming Feb).

    There’s not much CW content I care about but it could be interesting. I’ll probably finish watching Nikita which I stopped watching once I cancelled my cable bill but we’ll see how it goes.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    That Guy [visitor]

    All seasons of Smallville and Supernatural in HD and I would go for this…if it were some video games that I really want to put time into being released shortly.

  6. Member [Join Now]

    The curious thing here is that the press releases stress two terms strongly “exclusive” and “past seasons”. CW has two choices to make at this point. The most likely is that the current season will stay exclusive to broadcast and their respective site. The long shot is that Hulu could convince them to offer DVR like service that Viacom has. Viacom shows play current season on a delay with Hulu and past seasons on Netflix, as does Fox which is one of Hulu’s owners. The precedent is set.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    joeshow [visitor]

    that sucks…..i want movies not stupid shows………..

    • Member [Join Now]

      Which is why I wish Hulu and Netflix had gone different ways. They are so busy fighting and driving up the licensing costs that they never realized they had different customer bases. Hulu was great for TV content, Netflix was movies and classic but high demand TV. Now Hulu is paying a fortune for movies and not getting deals like this one (which they really needed) and Netflix is loosing movie deals by focusing too much on TV. They are each their own worst enemy.

      Netflix is in good shape but Hulu really needs to get someone under their wing. If they can’t pull current season CW then I don’t know what’s next. CBS has been unwilling to play, Sony owns crackle so is also unlikely to negotiate, perhaps a cable channel will decide it’s cheaper to offload to Hulu than run their own site. Showtime so far is in bed with Netflix for classic material but that could change either way.