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Netflix Now Bigger than Comcast

7%. That’s the percentage of Americans who are now Netflix subscribers. The streaming (and occasionally by-mail) rental giant passed Comcast this last quarter to become the largest subscription video service in North America.

Netflix ended Q1 of 2011 with 23.
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6 million subscribers, up 69% from the same period a year ago. The company’s revenue increased 46% year-over-year to $719 million.

On his company’s investor call, CEO Reed Hastings argued that despite some whining in Hollywood about Netflix’s alleged devaluation of content, studios who license their films and shows to Netflix come out ahead.
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Said Hastings:

“Looking at it from all of these angles, content owners that license to Netflix make more money –- now and in the future -– than content owners who don’t license to Netflix. A few media executives are still vocal about their fears of negative long-term impact on MVPD subscriptions from Netflix, but the evidence continues to pile up against their concerns.”

The meteoric growth that Netflix has seen over the last year or two gets more and more difficult as a company gets larger. Will Netflix’s star continue to rise at this pace, or will a more competitive marketplace and other forces keep the company’s expansion in check?

(via GigaOM)

7 Responses to “Netflix Now Bigger than Comcast”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    John [visitor]

    Netflix’s star will continue to rise.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Anton [visitor]

    Meteoric growth on an infrastructer set up by Comcast, ATT, Verizon, etc. Maybe now Netflix can pay to set up thier own ‘non-capped’ infrastructer, not likely.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Anton [visitor]

      Now that I think about it. Dish Network might be doing just that. Didn’t they just by a good chunk of wireless bandwith?

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Hellstorm [hellstorm]

    Interestingly, “Comcast Eyes Premium VOD Releases 6-8 Weeks After Theatrical Launch”.


    “DirecTV last week became the first pay TV provider to launch select movies on premium VOD for $29.99 about 60 days after their theatrical launch…

    Comcast hasn’t decided when to launch the service or how much to charge for premium VOD and wants to make studios comfortable with the shorter window…

    Comcast currently offers some independent films on a day-and-date basis with their theatrical release. It said indie fare gets more than 200,000 on-demand views each month.”

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jo [visitor]

    I have a Netflix question I hope someone can answer; and I apologize if this isn’t the correct place to ask–why does Netflix sometimes pull a streaming movie? Angels and Demons was on streaming up to a certain time, then pulled. There is always plenty of warning, so the oneous is on me to watch within those parameters, but sometimes I am not in the mood for a certain film or come upon it too late.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Laura [visitor]

    Netflix is the best and knows how to treat their customers! Keep up the good work