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It’s a universal truth that Mondays are the worst. We here at Inside Redbox feel your pain, so each Monday we give you the opportunity to win free prizes by participating in movie-related games and trivia. It’s our way of making Mondays a bit more tolerable for the movie lover in all of us.
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This week, we are offering a chance to win two free movie passes from Fandango just for responding to a fun movie-related question!
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Last week we asked you what your favorite scary movie was. We got some awesome responses, so we have another scary movie-related question. Here’s this week’s spooky Monday Movie Madness question:

Who (or what) is the scariest movie character of all time, and why?

With so many people making great comments in our contests, we’ve decided to double your odds of winning! We will randomly select TWO winners from the submitted comments, each of whom will receive two free movie passes from Fandango to help chase away the Monday blues (by seeing a scary movie, if you want!). Multiple comments will disqualify you, as always, so please respond just once.

Good luck and have fun, Insiders!

10/18/11 Update

Congratulations to our winners, olijim and Deja Vu! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prizes.

556 Responses to “Monday Movie Madness: Win Free Fandango Passes! *UPDATED WITH WINNERS*”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    The Excorsist. Freeks you out when the neck turns.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Evi H. [visitor]

    Damian. Anything to do with demon-possession really gives me the creeps!

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Melissa G. [visitor]

    I grew up watching the Nightmare on Elm Street scary movies. Freddy Kruger has got to be the scariest movie character. He comes after you in your dreams with his burnt up face & metal fingers. You can’t stay awake forever!!!

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Cheryl [visitor]

    “Jason” from Friday the 13th (1st one) when he comes out of the water at the very end. I was “scrunched” down in my seat and actually pulled a hamstring, jumping down further. (ouch!!)

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kenneth [visitor]

    Those little girls in The Shining. They creep me out to no end.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Brassy [visitor]

    JAWS,, today I am still afraid of swimming in an ocean:-((

  7. Member [Join Now]
    Don Murdock [don-murdock]

    Jack Nicholson in the Shining. Great scary acting.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Courtney [visitor]

    Chuckie..he’s a creeper!! I’m a grown adult now and I still feel chills when I see him.

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Susan steele [visitor]

    It would have to be Damien from the Omen! Anything to do with demonic possession scares me, but that child was pure evil!!

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dennis DeVisscher [visitor]


  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dan [visitor]

    I would have to say the shark in Jaws. When I would go to the ocean and get in the water I would be looking all around and if something in the water would bump or touch my legs the hair would stand up on my arms and I`d head for shore.

  12. Member [Join Now]

    Isaac from Children of the Corn.
    He’s a cult leader, who’s evil and gets all the kids to kill all the grown ups.
    Scary when you have family who live out near corn fields.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    bill [visitor]

    Halloween, the killer character. He was so evil…

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Diva Duchane [visitor]

    I would have to say that “being” in Mirrors.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    April [visitor]

    The evil boy in the Good Son played by Macaulay Culkin. It is a scary thing when a boy starts out evil. He would be worse when he grows up.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    carl miller [visitor]

    exorcist…2 tickets for free…this is great …

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    Debbie Igo [visitor]

    Freddie Kruger..!!!

  18. Member [Join Now]

    I really love the old horror classics. I watch every year at Halloween time The Invisible Man with Claude Rains and the other Invisible Man with Vincent Price. Claude Rains has a Great Evil laugh when he takes off the bandages and starts to leave the small village hotel through the window. His laugh gets me every time.

  19. Member [Join Now]

    Lois Jurgens played by Dana Ivey in the movie A Child Lost Forever the Jerry Sherwood Story because the abuse this poor child had to endure by her and that this really happened!

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Laurel [visitor]

    Carrie at the Prom is a scary image I can never get out of my head for days after watching the movie.

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Christopher [visitor]

    The freakin’ Alien in ALIEN!! Jump every flippin’ time! The scariest things in movies is are the things you don’t always see. Your imagination can always come up with far more frightening things than any special effect team can come up with.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tina [visitor]

    The exorcist hands down. Crazy voices, twisting head, etc. When you’re young and you see this. OMG for sure!!!! I was totally freaked and totally wanted to see more!! I love those scary movies!!!!

  23. Member [Join Now]

    i would say chuckie because he looks evil and he is a doll, a trustworthy doll? but as for scary means, I would have to say Freddy Kruegar because he can come inside ur dreams.

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Daleene Fox [visitor]

    I would definitely have to say the little girl in The Exorcist. When she is crawling down the stairs. Holy Crap!! I am freaked out just thinking about it.

  25. Member [Join Now]

    Michael Myers. He is a pycho that killed his own family. It doesn’t get scarier than that!

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    marilyn genser [visitor]

    chuckie who would be scared of a doll?

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    crista [visitor]

    Emily Rose is the scariest because it is inspired by true events and what can be scarier than something that REALLY happened.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Maggie [visitor]

    The Thing! Clearly because it becomes you. ^_^

  29. Member [Join Now]

    Scariest of all time has to be “Hannibal Lecter”, played several times by the incomparable Sir Anthony Hopkins!

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dennis [visitor]

    Saw He made people do terrible things.

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mike Soult [visitor]

    Would have to be Pennywise from “It”, but the book version…not the portrayal on TV (too goofy).

  32. Member [Join Now]

    Dr. Hannibal Lecter………Clarice can back me up on this !

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lucy [visitor]

    Freddy Kreuger. You can run and hide but he’ll eventually get you in your sleep.

  34. Member [Join Now]

    Michael Myers

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    sharrie [visitor]

    The only person it could be is Hannibal Lecter played by Sir Anthony Hopkins. Suspenseful, Terrifying Action. Edge of the Seat. The movies were all psychological thrillers. He was brilliant in them. He had you sucked in and wanting to see what would happen next. Because his character could and would do anything. I loved the part where he cooked up the part of brain in Silence of the Lambs and ate it. Who would have thought of that, and other parts, you could not guess what was next.

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kevin Holguin [visitor]

    The Wizard Of OZ
    I was 3 years old………
    Those freaky flying Monkeys tearing up the Scarecrow as he screams.
    The Evil cackling witch.
    That stuff scared the snot out of me.