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It’s a universal truth that Mondays are the worst.
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We here at Inside Redbox feel your pain, so each Monday we give you the opportunity to win free prizes by participating in movie-related games and trivia.
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It’s our way of making Mondays a bit more tolerable for the movie lover in all of us.

This week, we are offering a chance to win two free movie passes from Fandango just for responding to a movie-related question!

Halloween’s just three weeks away, and people are starting to watch their favorite scary movies. Here’s this week’s spooky Monday Movie Madness question:

What is your all-time favorite scary movie, and why?

We will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments, who will receive two free movie passes from Fandango to help chase away the Monday blues. Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.

Good luck and have fun, Insiders!

10/11/11 Update

Congratulations to Frank, our winner! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

514 Responses to “Monday Movie Madness: Win Free Fandango Passes! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Leah Allen [visitor]

    Nightmare on Elm Street because it seemed so real. A nightmare that can come to life. I have nightmares and this movie seemed too real to me, and I can’t go to scary movies any more.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Frank [visitor]

    The Ring. I saw it opening night in Universal City and it is probably the only movie I’ve ever seen where the entire theater jumped up and screamed when she came out of the television… Had nightmares for weeks…

  3. Member [Join Now]

    The Exorcist. I recall seeing it in the theater where everyone seemed entranced. When we left the theater ( my date clinging to me ) it was very quiet…nobody talking….very eerie.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Raja [visitor]

    ….”Birth of a Nation”….A truly scary film of the vilest kind!
    …Be Seeing You…Raja…

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    sfivers [visitor]

    “The Exorcist” is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen … probably because it seemed more believable than most horror movies.

  6. Member [Join Now]

    “The Hearse” was the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. I remember as a little kid being so scared after watching that movie and to this day, I can still see that hearse drivers face. SCARY!!

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    lisa day [visitor]

    ” Amityville Horror” was the scariest for me. I was pretty young when I saw it, but it stayed with me for a long time. Probably because it was suppossed to be based on a true story. I was sure I saw those “pig eyes” in the dark when I was in bed at night!

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Barbara [visitor]

    “Wrong Turn”. The acting was good for this type of film and the inbred mutants were very disturbing looking as well as canibals. Needless to say the movie had some righteous gruesome parts if you like blood and guts!

  9. Member [Join Now]

    The Exorcist, hands down! For it’s day, the special effects were unbelievably realistic. The head spinning and projectile vomiting was amazing!

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    nyree4475 [visitor]

    I think that i would have to say that it is Friday the 13Th. You can not ever forget that music and that face. Jason was a scary mother…Shut yo mouth. I had nightmares about him for a lomg time.

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dana [visitor]

    “Ju-On” (The Grudge). The creepy kid in that movie gave me a few nightmares after I saw it.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    john [visitor]

    the exorcist when i see that girl spin her head around and talk in that voice it sends shivers down my spine

  13. Member [Join Now]

    Psycho – it’s classic

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mary [visitor]

    The Exorcist. I still remember going to see it when I was in high school. My friend went with me, and she got so scared she ran out of the theater and left her shoes behind!

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mallory Hughes [visitor]

    My all time favorite is Halloween. If I were the victims I would just die lol. No matter how fast you run from michael myers he just walks at a steady pace and either meets you at the spot you’re running to or beats you there. How do you escape that?

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    walter [visitor]

    my favorite movie is all jason movies

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    Malia [visitor]

    The Fourth Kind !!!!!!
    It blew my mind thinking of the possibilities of Alien abductions and the fear of not knowing!

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    DEBBIE [visitor]


  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lester [visitor]

    Psycho. It is the only movie to get up and out of the theater

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joshua [visitor]

    The Happening

    Plants are everywhere. Watch this movie and water your potted plants. Think about buying them a nicer pot before they destroy you.

  21. Member [Join Now]

    Let The Right One In

    I love vampire movies and to me this is one of the best ones out right now. The remake to this was pretty good but the original still sends some shivers down my back. The story is set around a boy who meets a female child vampire. Nothing says scary like a child vampire

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Eric [visitor]

    Mine is definitely The Blair Witch Project. I saw that the weekend it came out when it was still being advertised as a “true story.” I’ve never been so scared in my life! I’m still afraid to go into the woods at night, probably because of that. :)

  23. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chelsea [visitor]

    I loved Silence of the Lambs because it was the very first scary movie I watched with my mom as a young girl, she made me wait for her to come home from work and watch it while it was dark out and it gave me nightmares for weeks after.

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Todd [visitor]

    I do not watch scary movies.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dennis [visitor]

    I am not sure what I would say would be the scariest movie.

  26. Member [Join Now]

    I would have to say SAW. It was so original at the time not really a slasher flick but very suspenseful. You never knew what would happen next or who was really the bad guy and everytime you thought you knew nope and it had some seriously good gore not just run of the meal and it wasn’t attached to teenagers. Loved the way it started you would have never guessed that would have been the way it was going to end. If you remember no one was talking about how it ended they wanted you to be as surprised as they were that is the making of a great Scary movie

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Marie [visitor]

    ALL of the “Halloween” movies – Michael Myers is AWESOME!

  28. Member [Join Now]

    I was scared to death when I saw the original Last House on the Left. My mother still talks about how it scared me for several days. To this day I can not watch that movie and I have on DVD. It must have been 40 years ago

  29. Member [Join Now]

    “Alien” was the scariest movie that I saw as an adult. When the alien bust through the chest, she turned to me and said, “I’m never letting you pick the movie to see again!” As a child, “Them” was by far the scariest. I made my parents go into my bedroom, look in all the closets and under my bed before I would go into my room.

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ralehi [visitor]

    “The Haunting” Both the 1963 and 1999 versions were good but the 1963 I saw on late night TV as a kid by myself! Let’s just say it left an impression!