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Miramax to Rent Movies Through Facebook

Multi-taskers, rejoice! You’ve found your ideal movie-watching experience.

Though they’re not the first to try renting movies through Facebook, but Miramax is doing it a bit differently. The Hollywood studio is working to integrate a service called Ooyala Social into its Facebook fan page, converting Facebook into a platform through which users can rent and discuss films.

The new offering would combine the formerly separate watching and chatting experiences into a single-screen, Facebook-based application. Users would rent films using Facebook credits, similar to what Warner has done.
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The Miramax launch titles will cost 30 credits, which is equivalent to $3.

Is simultaneously watching movies and chatting about them your thing? If so, would you be willing to give Miramax’s new offering a try?
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(via CNET)

4 Responses to “Miramax to Rent Movies Through Facebook”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Fred [visitor]

    You probably already know how fantastic your site is. Putting it bluntly it’s been a long time since I’ve discovered items such as this . Maintain the great work.

  2. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    I’d be more likely to watch a movie and chat about it if it was free. If I am gonna spend my money I don’t know if I want to waste my time chatting throughout the movie. I like the concept though.

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Mike [dodgerny]

    Good idea, but $3 to stream a video on Facebook is too steep.