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Is Hulu Worth $500 Million?

huluHulu, one of the web’s largest and most popular video streaming sites, has been the subject of numerous sale rumors (some of them self-imposed) over the years. Now comes news that one of the people instrumental in the launch of the site has made a private, $500 million bid for its purchase.

Former News Corp. (Fox) president Peter Chernin reportedly submitted an offer through his media company, The Chernin Group, which also owns a stake in music streaming service Pandora. Disney and News Corp., two of the owners of Hulu along with NBCU, are looking to cash out their stakes in the web video giant.
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When Hulu was last up for sale two years ago, its owners placed its value at around $2 billion. When no bids came close to that figure, the site was removed from the auction block.

Do you think Chernin’s offer will be seriously considered? What could a buyout mean for Hulu, which has reached a crossroads in its existence and battle against Netflix and Amazon?
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[via Home Media Magazine]

3 Responses to “Is Hulu Worth $500 Million?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vernon Dent [visitor]

    Even @ half a billion, Hulu is OVER-VALUED!

    Hulu SHOULD have taken either the Dish or the Google offer from last year.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Thomas [visitor]

    It’s not even worth $8 a month to me.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Amber [visitor]

    I used Hulu for a trial period and dropped it. I do miss it but so far I have only found a few shows that I can’t watch directly from network websites. Even Hulu would tell you that they didn’t have rights to shows and that they were sending you directly to the network the show is originally aired on. So, in my opinion like Thomas it’s not worth $8 a month to me. If they lowered the membership fee then maybe I’d go back…