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Is 3D Fatigue Setting In?

Are you tired of 3D movies? If so, you’re joining a growing percentage of American movie-goers.
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BTIG analyst Richard Greenfield believes that declining sales of 3D movies in relation to their 2D counterparts are an indication of 3D fatigue among consumers.

Theater owners and Hollywood have fallen in love with 3D movies over the last few years because of the higher ticket prices they  can charge for the films.
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While 3D movie box office results may come in higher that 2D, the latter are selling more tickets, according to Greenfield.

Greenfield cites two films in particular, Green Lantern and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, as examples of films whose 2D versions are selling more tickets that the 3D ones. Said Greenfield:

“We continue to believe U.S. consumers are frustrated with the amount of 3D movies Hollywood is producing, especially when combined with excessive ticket prices,”

Besides the premium over the cost of a 2D ticket, Greenfield also thinks that the lower picture quality that usually accompanies a 3D film is an annoyance to consumers. According to Greenfield:

“In addition, we suspect the darkness of 3D is starting to impact movie satisfaction (this was a key problem with Pirates 3D, with both Green Lantern and Potter starting off with darker imagery and then layering on 3D glasses that darken the images further),”

Do you find yourself going to fewer 3D movies than you used to, Insiders? Or did you never become a fan of the format in the first place? Let us know in the comments.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)

11 Responses to “Is 3D Fatigue Setting In?”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Shaun [smoker68x]

    I for one never liked it, and the few times I did watch a movie in 3D gave me a headache… I for one will be happy to see less 3D movies in the future, especially less “only in 3D” movies…

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jack [visitor]

    I’m unable to see the 3D, so I will be happy to see it go.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Richard Lawler [visitor]

    Weird how no one ever mentions that the source for his data is the Fandango top 10 chart.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    sfmitch [visitor]

    I am a 3D hater so I am glad to hear news that 3D (in the theater or in homes) isn’t doing well.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    arby [visitor]

    I like certain 3D movies. I do agree that they can be ‘too dark’ at times. We bought a 3D tv, and the main reason’s why 3D movies are NOT selling, is the fr*ng cost, NOT the actual format. Not only do I have to spend an extra $10-$15 to upgrade to a blu-ray DVD, now I have to pay for the 3D version, which is another $10-$15 – so if I want to buy a new release, It will cost me another $20-$30 to upgrade from a dvd to a blue-ray with 3D!

    THAT’S why 3D isn’t making any money!

    Movies have gone up drastically, to $9-$12 per person to see a new release in a theatre. and if you want to see it in 3D, add another $5-$7 per ticket; and if you want to see it in IMAX, add another $5-$8. So if I wanted an awesome theatre experience with an IMAX and 3D movie, I have to plan on shelling out AT LEAST $15-$24 for JUST ONE movie ticket for ONE person! In this horrible economy, it isn’t worth it anymore.

    THAT’S why 3D isn’t going anywhere – it’s too expensive to see it in the theatre AND it’s too expensive to buy the version in the store!

    I’ve seen 2 yr old 3D movies that are STILL $40! I keep hoping the price will go down. Now that it seems ‘so easy’ to pop out 3D movies, make them cheaper for us so we can actually enjoy them without breaking our bank accounts!

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jack [visitor]

    Hate it, Hate it, Hate it. I’ve only seen two movies in 3D. Didn’t care for the effects in either one. I’ve NOT gone to a movie that I had planned on going to see because the theater had already dropped the 2D version to force movie goers to pay the higher price. I’ll be HAPPY to see it go.

    Even if it were the SAME price, I would opt for the 2D version.

  7. Member [Join Now]
    K2011 [k2011]

    I watch over 100 movies every year. I don’t think I have watched two 3-D movies in the same year. I watched Thor at theaters and I picked the 2-D version over the 3-D. I don’t need Harry Potter in the 3-D (I have enjoyed all the other movies of the franchise perfectly in 2-D).
    I understand if some people want to watch a bunch of 3-D movies per year. But in any case I think Hollywood overdid it with the number of 3-D movies. A flick like Drive Angry in 3-D is retarded.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    techdesigner [visitor]

    I am in the market for a big screen TV but 3D is not even a criteria. The premium that this adds to the TV, player and media far outweighs the benefit. A couple of stores I visited could not find a 3D movie, or the glasses or the batteries were dead. All of these further solidified the fact that I don’t need this technology. After I found a store that had everything set up I admit the effect is great but I would not want to watch every movie in 3D. The movies tend to over exaggerate the distance between layers and the effect looks artificial, I guess they have to do this because viewers watching a 3D movie are expecting to be wowed.

    If the TV/player I get has 3D I will probably get a movie or two to show my guests (all two of them since most packages only come with two pairs of glasses) but I will probably not pay the premium to buy/rent movies for home. As far as the theater I only go to the discount theater after a movie has been out a while. My video/audio experience is better than a theater anyway. If I miss my shoes sticking to the floor I guess I can put down some double sided duct tape!

  9. Member [Join Now]

    3D is a fad. It’s always been a fad only this time some rich people in Hollywood thought they could force us to like it.

    There is no (or very little) 3d anyway. What the movies I’ve seen had was just different layers of 2d all sandwiched together. If they had done better with 3d then perhaps we might tolerate it more.

    Ironically enough I have seen quite a few 3d movies since an ex was heavy into the fad and I think the movies shot in 3d look worse than those that had it added later. Perhaps the camera technology is the Achilles heel? And Avatar doesn’t count since it wasn’t really shot in any format. It’s 80 percent CGI so it’s somewhere in the middle.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mrwillyjay [visitor]

    When the new batch of 3D movies came out I went to see any thing that was 3D (except Justin Beiber). Then I seen Clash Of The Titans and was disappointed with the effect as I was with that Air Bender Film. Now I check to see if they were filmed in 3D or reprocessed in 3D. The cost has increased as well. They should tell you to keep your glasses and knock off a dollar if you bring your own 3D glasses to the flick.
    I still like a good 3D film and don’t mind a $3 surcharge but $4 is my breaking point.

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kristyn Servantez [visitor]

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