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Hulu Cancels Sale

Hulu, you tease. After putting itself up for sale a few months ago, online video giant Hulu has announced that the sale process has been terminated. So what happened?

From a joint statement from Hulu’s owners and management:

“Since Hulu holds a unique and compelling strategic value to each of its owners, we have terminated the sale process and look forward to working together to continue mapping out its path to even greater success. Our focus now rests solely on ensuring that our efforts as owners contribute in a meaningful way to the exciting future that lies ahead for Hulu.”

Speculation is running that Google outbid Amazon, Yahoo, Dish and other contenders, but demanded too many content rights concessions from Hulu. It is also possible that prospective buyers were not confident about the site’s continued success in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
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Do you think Hulu’s removal from the auction block is in the best interests of consumers, Insiders?
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How do you think a Google-owned Hulu, for example, would have been run?

(via GigaOM)

6 Responses to “Hulu Cancels Sale”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    One can only hope this means Hulu is going to get serious again and go after new contracts. The CW contract with Netflix is for previous seasons only. If Hulu could get current seasons that would be good. It would also give them a foot in CBS’s door. CBS would be a major coupe but I don’t see it happening. CBS seems content forcing you to use their website.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tex Dude [visitor]

    “Since Hulu holds a unique and compelling strategic value to each of its owners, we have terminated the sale process” = B.S. written by some consultant. They didn’t get anywhere near what they wanted from the bidding process. Wouldn’t be surprised they strike a deal with Dish/BB soon.

    • Member [Join Now]

      They wanted 2 billion and a disclosed first process bid was 1.9 billion so I think you are very wrong. If first round was 1.9 and they had a second round one must assume they were offered more.

      I wonder if they were betting on Netflix self destructing. Some have said however that Netflix was just a contributing factor. The networks were getting nervous about signing the exclusive digital rights to their content to a third party. Right now they call the shots, after the sale they would lose that.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jimbo [visitor]

    Who cares?

  4. Member [Join Now]
    JoeZilch [joezilch]

    I care.

    I use Hulu to watch many Tv shows because it’s exceptionally cheaper than my Cable Bill.

    Had Hulu been sold, the price, without question, would have gone up and up and up as the content owners demanded to make $X for their shareholders and the content provider (the new Hulu owner) staked a claim to a higher revenue stream. If the content owners serve the content themselves they can virtually cut out the middle man and make more for themselves whilst keeping the prices lower for us consumers. At least in theory.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Evan Evans [visitor]

    Whatever. Hulu Plus is stupid. Netflix is the best. Redbox is fleeting. Netflix needs to put some $$$$ into it’s future, so they come out the clear winner, because they are the best platform. There could just as easily be a NETFLIX rental terminals out there. I just saw a KOHL’s online store kiosk in the mall as a substitute to the whole store. The future is looking really wierd!