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According to a major producer, an easy way to eliminate the debate currently raging between the studios and theater owners over premium VOD is that studios should get into the movie theater business.  Joe Roth, producer of such films as Young Guns, Major League and Alice in Wonderland made his comments at the Tribeca Film Festival.

According to Roth, with so much of a film’s earnings tied up in the first few weeks of release, studios owning the theaters that show their films is a smart move. Said Roth:

“People who own studios should go and start buying theaters . . . I mean I’m spending $2 billion a year on making and marketing movies, and 100 percent of the value is created in that first window of opportunity in theaters, and I’m letting it go to a landlord who decides after 30 days he can sell more popcorn”

Roth went on to say that he sees premium video-on-demand as “transitional” and that not many years hence people will wonder what all the debate was about.

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(via The Hollywood Reporter)

6 Responses to “Hollywood Producer: Studios Should Buy Theaters”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    James [visitor]

    I think so. And to be honest, I think many theater owners would gladly welcome the opportunity to be bought out (and perhaps rehired on salary). With the advent of the home theater experience, it only makes sense.

    ALSO, I noticed on a Utah-area Redbox that video games were slated to appear on MAY 10. Do you have any info on that, InsideRedbox? Nothing about it on their site that I could find:

    Lastly, just wanted to encourage everyone who loves InsideRedbox to be sure to click on the ads displayed here as a way to say thanks for all the great info! Thank you, InsideRedbox!

    • Member [Join Now]
      Shane Smith [shane9]


      Thanks for your kind words. The date that I keep seeing thrown around for the major Redbox video game expansion is June 17. Tests at a limited number of kiosks have been going on for a while now, however, so it may be that your local Redbox will be getting video games ahead of the big rollout.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    JMark [visitor]

    The Studios did own theaters at one time. They scheduled there movies and eliminated those movies no distributed by them. The Government broke them up and small film makers were able to get screen time. I don’t think this is the answer, as a matter of fact it is a real bad idea.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jo [visitor]

    JMark is right–the studios used to own theaters but they wouldn’t allow their competitors’s films to be shown. I think it would be a terrible idea to go back to this system, and I doubt very much that the government anti-trust laws are going to allow it.

    Besides, wouldn’t it be terrible if a hot movie you were dying to see couldn’t be shown at your local theater and there wasn’t a theater nearby that carried it?

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jack [visitor]

    Very bad idea.