Inside Redbox is the #1 "Unofficial" Redbox Online Community for Redbox Codes, News and more. Inside Redbox is not affiliated with Redbox Automated Retail, LLC.

Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a simple question.

Netflix, already in the doghouse with consumers, announced this week that it will be spinning off its DVD service into a new company called Qwikster. The general consensus seems to be that the name is a bit on the lame side. Here’s your chance to be creative and come up with a better name than Netflix’s marketing team!

To enter the giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

What would you have named the new Netflix DVD service, and why?

On Monday the 26th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments.
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The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice.
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 Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.

Good luck, Insiders!

9/26/2011 UPDATE

Congratulations to our winner, Bill! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

1,134 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    max m. [visitor]

    G24. Gone in 24 it takes about 24 hours before you get another movie by mail.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    bethanne [visitor]

    I’d call it “N – box”; a play on “inbox” & Netflicks.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Robb [visitor]

    How about…


  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jacqueline [visitor]


  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Donna Moyer [visitor]

    Pick A Flick

  6. Member [Join Now]
    Illust8 [illust8]

    “Flix-ster” combines their name with a mod feeling.

  7. Member [Join Now]

    How about FlixNow

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chuckie Babe [visitor]

    simple and easy to remember.

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chuckie Babe [visitor]

    Simple and easy to remember from their box to yours.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Al D'Alfonso [visitor]

    How about “we don’t care bout our customers”

    cause well…you know

    Might be too wordy for the envelopes though :)

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    GZ [visitor]


  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    mary Helmbrecht [visitor]


  13. Member [Join Now]

    How about “Turnaround” it’s supposed to be a fast turnaround time for movies to get from them to you and vice versa.

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    mary Helmbrecht [visitor]

    Mail-flix, Post-a-flix, Mail-a-flix

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Cheryl Richwalski [visitor]

    It should be Picflix!

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Victor [visitor]

    Movie mail

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    laura [visitor]

    Humm… Movie Express…. Flix Quix….. Quick Flick….. I dunno…

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Nica [visitor]

    i would called it movieflix, cuz you could pick unlimited movies all day every day..

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    arky [visitor]


  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Valley101 [visitor]


  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pebby [visitor]


  22. Member [Join Now]
    Mischi [mischi]


  23. Visitor [Join Now]
    David F [visitor]

    Bait and switchster

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    sunny laura romero [visitor]

    DVDME Dvds sent to me

  25. Member [Join Now]

    “ShoNuf” everything you want to see

  26. Member [Join Now]


  27. Member [Join Now]


  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Share [visitor]

    Boomerang. Cause you should always have a movie to watch.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    Terri Page-Freeman [visitor]


  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Angel200 [visitor]

    Why not name it “Netertainment” because they offer movies and games. Since they offer movies and games it is more than one type of entertainment. So you could combined the word “entertainment” with the title “Net Flix” and thus you get “Netertainment”. Sounds good to me!!!!

  31. Member [Join Now]

    What about Flix-it. For people who are bored, instead of fix it (the boredom) Flix -it rent a movie.

  32. Member [Join Now]
    Mike [dodgerny]

    MediaFlix – More than just DVDs. Not recommended for rural addresses.

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    gerard [visitor]

    how about “DIRECT VIDEO DELIVERY” because they have video movies and video games, etc.

  34. Member [Join Now]
    LTurnbaugh [lturnbaugh]

    QwikFlix for a name is my choice. QwikFlix is my pick — great by-line as well!

  35. Member [Join Now]

    Streamflix, given that the customer base is more about streaming movies to their tv than ordering through mail.

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lori B. [visitor]

    How about Flix4U?

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Linda Bezich-Kumler [visitor]

    MovieNow, since their options allow you to view quickly, or even instantly.

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    julia irby [visitor]

    i would cal it easyflix, because it is simple way of renting your dvds

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    julia irby [visitor]

    i would call it ouikeasyfix, because it is simple and quick and easy

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    julia irby [visitor]

    i would call it quickeasyfix, because its fast easy and it fixes your fix for a good movie