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TGIF! Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a fun question.

One of the big movie industry news stories this week was Universal and Comcast’s abrupt decision to cancel their plans for $60 premium video-on-demand (VOD) rentals of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist. The great majority of commenters on this website said that there was no way they would pay anywhere near that price to watch a movie at home a few months early.
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The drama surrounding Tower Heist got us thinking about the experience of watching a movie in theaters versus the experience of watching one at home.

To enter this week’s giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

Which do you prefer: the movie theater or home theater experience?

Are the delicious popcorn and the thrill of being there on opening night worth the sticky floors and texting teens that come with the movie theater experience? Or do you prefer the comfort of your own couch and your own TV?

On Monday the 17th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments. The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice (to watch in your home theater!). Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.
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Good luck, Insiders!

10/17/11 Update

Congratulations to Pratt, our winner! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

981 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-Ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    jenn [jenniferlharlow]

    Home, definitely home!!! I can watch my movies on my schedule not the theaters.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Dana [visitor]

      I like both – movies to be able to get out of the house – home – because I get to watch at my own time – start-stop- even replay whole movie if need be (in case I missed too much since I have small children)

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Greg Cox [visitor]

    Movie theater, without a doubt. Due to the prices, we don’t do it as often as we used to, but it’s hard to beat sitting in the last row watching one of the big screens.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Angie [visitor]

    Home! It is cost effective because my whole family can watch for one price, when they want, together or seperately. I can watch the movie in the front room on the couch or under the covers in bed. My favorite part is that i can pause to get something, rewind to watch a seen again or fast forward. I can watch the movie again if i really like it. You can’t do that at the Theatre!

  4. Member [Join Now]
    Phil [digizen]

    Movie theater, if the alternative was a $60 VOD.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Hattie McClain [visitor]

    I love watching movies in my home .relaxed on my couch .I can pause ,stop , or rewind . :)

  6. Member [Join Now]

    It all depends on what type of movie….if it’s IMAX 3D , definitely…in the IMAX theater. For your standard movie…..give me the comforts of home and the ability to stop the movie without missing a scene for food and/or bathroom breaks….and of course the comfort of little or no clothing, availability of mixed drinks and/or blended drinks and a wider, more healthy variety of food selections at home !

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rick Gonzalez [visitor]

    Home theater is best for me right now. There’s not enough time for the movie theater with the kids being so young.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    grace s. [visitor]

    the movie theater, it is a date.

  9. Member [Join Now]

    My hubby and I are on a tight budget so going to the movie theater is an AMAZING treat! It makes me feel like a teenager again. I choose the theater all the way, sticky floors, texting teens and crying babies. Bring it!

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    BMan [visitor]

    Home … my choice of film, attire, snacks … and no worries about parking, crowds, etc …

  11. Member [Join Now]

    I like watching movies at home because I can be comfortable. The theater chairs are so cramped and you can’t recline.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sherrie [visitor]

    I prefer the comfort of my own home theater! This way I can pause and rewind if I need to. I can also eat whatever I want. Or maybe even throw in a load of clothes first.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mindy [visitor]

    I prefer an at-home movie experience. We can eat what we want, pause the movie at any time, stop and talk, laugh as loud as we want, and cuddle with our dog. :)

  14. Member [Join Now]

    It’s a 98% percent chance that I’d watch a movie at home; with a chance to watch movies at my schedule, being able to dress comfy and take breaks whenever I may need them. Plus it’s cheaper.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Edward [visitor]


  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Shirley Moore [visitor]

    I would prefer to go to the movies but they have got way to expensive! So I wait patiently and get it on Redbox

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    kathleen earl [visitor]

    I like home theatre as you can watch more than once and you can rewind.
    everyone can watch on their schedule

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    kathleen earl [visitor]

    home theatre because if it’s a bust you didn’t break the bank.

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jose Velazquez [visitor]

    For really interesting movies that catch an eye, Id say movie theater, without a doubt, its always fun being there for the big screen, once in a while. But mostly, its obviously more comfortable and cheaper at home.

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ryan [visitor]

    Home the majority of time….movie theaters are a nice escape to get out of the house sometimes.

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lea Burnside [visitor]

    Home! Save the money and watch more movies!

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mandy Burnside [visitor]

    Home–cheaper and you can talk all you want!

  23. Visitor [Join Now]
    Donna Moyer [visitor]

    I like to watch movies at home because you do not have to put up with rude people. Everytime I go to the movies alot of people have to play with their phones all the time . Are they clueless? Do they not know that it’s dark and they open their phone and everyones eyes are drawn to their phones,or better yet they talk loud. They ruin everyone’s experience!! Anyone else have to deal with this?

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Eliza Burnside [visitor]

    Home–easier to do with small kiddos!

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dustin auman [visitor]

    If I could have a set up like a theater at home. I would prefer home. Some people I know have the popcorn machine with a bar with candy and a really nice theater set up. It’s way nice. But I do enjoy going tothe theater to. It’s nice and loud. And can be fun. But sometimes it can also not be fun… So think I would say home.

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    Christine [visitor]

    It’s a tie!! I love to go to the Theatre…the big screen, the popcorn…but I can’t afford it! So I go at special times when the price of admission is $5. But I love watching movies at home as well….in my jammies, can pause whenever I feel the “urge”….

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Movie King [visitor]

    Movie. Home is nice, but the movies are still the best.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Barb J [visitor]

    the movie theatre costs too much. that is an every now and again thing for us. i like the comforts of my own home.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sid Cross [visitor]

    Home, relax, eat popcorn, drink coke, do whatever you want for much cheaper than the theater….over rated…..just so you can say you seen it first…. I got to see it too and didn’t have to pay 5 dollars for a coke……. Thanks to Redbox, we get good quality movies that are not scratched…. Home!!!

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    nancy [visitor]

    Theater prefered but can’t afford it. Added benefit for home viewing is stopping for breaks when needed and not missing any of the movie

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    Elizabeth [visitor]

    I prefer home. My own snacks, my own schedule, a pause button for when I need more coffee. I save the theater for something worth the trouble… something better served by the big screen. Even then, I wait until it hits the $3 theater. I watch hundreds of movies at home every year, most of which I borrowed from the library, I only go out to see a film once or twice a year.

  32. Member [Join Now]

    Definitely home theater. Hate the traffic, congestion, noise, kids – most of all the price of the ticket and sometimes there is so much noise at the theater that you miss part of the movie. And worse, if you don’t like the movie, you are out ten bucks and you get up and leave. At home, you can just slide in another movie in the dvd player and relax! My tv is 72 inches so it is definitely worth watching at home! Thank you Redbox for movies I can choose during the day and watch that night! Perfect! And a great price!!

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Victor [visitor]

    Home. No need to get dressed. Spend tons on tickets and food. Deal with people. Easier to stay home.

  34. Member [Join Now]

    With the cost of movies these days, I prefer home. If prices were lower, that may change. You can’t beat the smell of popcorn when you enter a movie theater though!

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    libby [visitor]

    Home because u can getcha a big bowl of popcorn crawl in ur cozy bed with the one u love n have a date night movie night all in one :) N dont have to spend an arm n a leg to do it either :)

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    l rymer [visitor]

    I love to go to the theatre and make a special occasion around it…with costs continually soaring higher in almost every facet of our lives we need to become more inventive and selective to what we would like to invest our hard earned capitol in….we also need to do things in our lives that we enjoy to feel that it is worth what work so hard for…so many people I think dont do that enough…..I myself am very guilty of that….so I feel it is very important to support the industry and experience the efforts and collaberation of those so many individuals involved to be able to continue to bring film to the theatres to those of us to celebrate a special evening out to view these fantastic films….I think,as the people, we all need to appreciate the how fantastic these oppotunities are that are being provided to us, not only take note, but be so thankful for them…

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sheila [visitor]

    I, definitely, enjoy the comforts of home. Also, the cost factor figures in as I am retired and live on a fixed income.

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    Daniel [visitor]

    Definitely at home……where I can control the lighting, noise, food, etc….

  39. Member [Join Now]



  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    cat [visitor]

    i like both. Sometimes i like to go out to the theaters and just have fun but i also like just sitting at home eating what i want and watching a movie through my own television