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TGIF! Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a fun question.

One of the big movie industry news stories this week was Universal and Comcast’s abrupt decision to cancel their plans for $60 premium video-on-demand (VOD) rentals of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist. The great majority of commenters on this website said that there was no way they would pay anywhere near that price to watch a movie at home a few months early.
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The drama surrounding Tower Heist got us thinking about the experience of watching a movie in theaters versus the experience of watching one at home.

To enter this week’s giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

Which do you prefer: the movie theater or home theater experience?

Are the delicious popcorn and the thrill of being there on opening night worth the sticky floors and texting teens that come with the movie theater experience? Or do you prefer the comfort of your own couch and your own TV?

On Monday the 17th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments. The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice (to watch in your home theater!). Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.
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Good luck, Insiders!

10/17/11 Update

Congratulations to Pratt, our winner! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

981 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-Ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Deb [visitor]

    It depends on the movie. If it is something I really want to see I like to go see it opening weekend. It is also nice to get out and go to the movies every once in a while. But it is definately more comfortable to stay home and watch movies.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Julie [visitor]

    Theaters are too pricy (tickets AND popcorn), so I’ll take the comfort of lounging in my pj’s while watching in the privacy and quiet of my own home.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    cindy [visitor]

    i prefer to watch movies at home with a good home theater system it is a better experience

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa White [visitor]

    I would rather be at the movies with a friend having a snack and watching a good movie.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Laura [visitor]

    If it is a really big movie that I HAVE to see, I’ll go to the theatre, but I tend to prefer watching from the comfort of my own home.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    julie [visitor]

    I love going to the matinee. Yes the popcorn is definitely worth going for.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    whyvonne [visitor]

    I haven’t ever experienced a good home theater.
    I love going out to the movies. Popcorn especially with butter is a favorite thing…but most of all it’s who you’re with …my daughters and family …then it’s just perfect.
    I most definitely would love to experience a home theater because that would make it more fun and less expensive for everyone, especially with our young ones just starting out.

    Well that’s all folks we’re off to rent a movie tonight.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    RebeccaH [visitor]

    I think there are pros and cons for both. However, I just don’t think you can beat going to the theatre; especially when the audience really gets into the movie and cheers the hero on. This happened one night at the 1st Spiderman movie. My friend and I had a ball that night!

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kathi Lightfoot [visitor]

    There is nothing like escaping to a movie. Movies take me to places I could never go and experience. Although a movie is also good at home, I want to see the movie when it is first out, before anyone can ruin it for me. Give me the Movie Theater experience.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Debbie [visitor]

    I rather sit at home and watch movies in my own home theater. make some popcorn and put my PJ’s on and sit back and relax with my hubby, just throw in a redbox movie and have my own movie theater at home

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ruth D [visitor]

    I love the full out movie theater experience for a good film, especially a good action film. I like the whole experience of sitting in the dark, watching on the big screen, and munching on movie theater popcorn with artery clogging buttery topping, loads of salt, and a giant diet coke.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jerrad [visitor]

    At home definitely!!!

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pauline Raymond [visitor]

    I would rather watch at home. I used to go to the movies to see something I really wanted to see, but the movies have priced themselves out of my range.

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jamie [visitor]

    I honestly prefer the home theatre experience, because the movie theatre screen isn’t HD it is actually slightly blurry. At home you turn the volume up or down, see a beautiful picture, and be completely comfortable! Oh and its much cheaper!

  15. Member [Join Now]

    It depends on the movie. Some of the Harry Potter’s were so dark they did not play well on Dvd at home, so theater was a must. Some movies special effects just need the big screen, but on the whole I watch at home. The people are more considerate, the food is better and (with the pause button) I never miss anything on a bathroom break.

  16. Member [Join Now]
    Lorendahl [lorendahl]

    I PREFER the Theatre Experience over the Home Experience. That’s not to say that I will always go to the movies, because let’s face it, it’s damn expensive. I wish there was a better way the theatres could make money, instead of outrageous food/drink prices, as they give away so much money to the film industry, but that plays a lot into the associated cost of going out.

    I just need to buy a small “industrial” popcorn maker for the experience at home.

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sally [visitor]

    Each has it’s own perks. The theater is good when you have a group of friends that want to go and it’s a blockbuster type of movie where everyone seems excited to go see it. Home is good because it is usually cheaper and you can watch a movie by yourself if you want to in your pajamas. I guess my final pick would have to be home though because even though I just watch movies on my laptop I like to be able to watch them on my own schedule and in the comfort of my bed with my pajamas on. Plus sometimes friends can distract you too much.

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mylanh [visitor]


  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joann [visitor]

    Depends on the movie. For movies with spectacular special effects, I try to see it on the big screen. Otherwise, I prefer being at home and all comfy.

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    jeremy [visitor]

    Home is the best cause u can never miss out on a movie if u have 2 use the bathroom

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dani [visitor]

    I love love love going to the movies – but it’s kind of expensive. I recently discovered how cheap and fun Sunday matinees are. I may be old beyond my years, but it’s the perfect indulgence!

  22. Member [Join Now]

    I really enjoy the movie theater with the big screen experience.

  23. Visitor [Join Now]
    lee b [visitor]

    If Johnny depp is in the movie theatre i will go there to see him otherwise i stay at home and watch movies in comfort

  24. Member [Join Now]

    I think I would prefer the home theater experience.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Alex [visitor]

    The home experience by a landslide. The movie popcorn is too expensive and leaves a guilty feeling/stomach ache after the movie.

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    shirley lee [visitor]

    I would rather watch a movie in the comfort of my own home. That way I can pause the movie when I need to for snacks and restroom breaks.

  27. Member [Join Now]
    Carol_Kramer [carol_kramer]

    I know that movie theaters can cost, but I love being in a theater and smelling the popcorn from the tub on my lap along with the ice cold soda and sitting in the middle of the theater with that big screen in front of you. Match all that with a good flick and it feels like heaven.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    David Walkush [visitor]

    Home, because the snacks at home are better

  29. Member [Join Now]

    I’d prefer to watch the movie on a good home theater system. The popcorn at my local movie theater is awful; it isn’t even popped fresh, but hauled into the theater from “who knows where” in large garbage bags – which is where it should stay! Fresh popcorn with REAL melted butter is the best!

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tammie [visitor]

    I love3 my couch and being able to cuddle up with my boyfriend or my daughter to watch a movie. Yet SOME movies just HAVE to be seen in the THEATER first. Like all the Harry Potters movies. We had to see them in the theater at midnight first day they opened. Really great action flicks are also best watched in a theater before renting/owning at home.

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    Scott A Peters [visitor]

    I would rather go to the movie theater and see the movie. You can’t beat seeing it on the big screen and having fresh buttered popcorn and a cold pepsi. We have a local movie theater here in West Liberty that was a 1910 vaudville theater originaly. It has the fancy tin ceiling and plaster decoration around the stage area. Seeing it at home cannot compare nomatter what sound system you have the big screen is where it’s at !

  32. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lee Myers [visitor]

    I really like the Theater Experience, for the larger screen. But it is too expensive to go to the theater for every movie, so only a few movies that have the special effects will I go to the theater for. Otherwise it is home theater.

  33. Member [Join Now]

    I like the movie thresher better because you feel like you are there.

  34. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dan [visitor]

    It cost more but the Theater is the only way to go. The big screen shows things that you don`t see at home. And the sound, you can feel it in your seat. And the way people react to a scare or a laugh adds to the experience. The “Theater” gets my vote.

  35. Member [Join Now]

    Prefer to sit at home and relax while watching a movie!!

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Connie [visitor]

    The movie theater experience is better. You have the huge screen and the first rate sound system plus movie theater popcorn. You can’t get it any better.

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Amy [visitor]

    I like them both at different times…but IMAX beats all!!!!

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    Bailey Teixeira [visitor]

    I prefer the home movies, mainly cuz it’s cheaper when your hanging out with a lot of people and you don’t have to listen to random people in the theatre

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    Howls Of Silence [visitor]

    Home is the way to go these days. Physical media only, no streaming because what is there not to like about spending a dollar for the same movie that was playing in the theater. Even purchasing the movie is still cheaper than the theater. Because at home you’re with people you want to be with. You control the experience.
    The quality of the film is way better at home and for the most part the core content of the movie is the same whether it is in the theater or at home. Even at that you get more options when you watch it at home like alternate languages, closed captions, extras, outtakes and alternate endings just to name a few. Also take a look at the all technology being developed to bring or go beyond that “theater experience” into the home.
    Theater is dying and the industry knows it. Prices are outrageous (see the link at the bottom). For a family of 4 at a ticket price of $8, that’s $36 plus snacks; you’re looking well over $50 for one movie. That’s not even a 3-D movie price. Oh and don’t forget gas to get there and back because even in the city you may have to drive a ways to get that “really great” theater experience. And if you have kids you may need to pay for a babysitter. That better be one heck of an experience. I guess Universal and Comcast were not that far off at charging $60 for a movie to watch at home.
    Hollywood has lost control in a digital age and will do anything to make a buck. We are constantly bombarded with the latest and great’s movies previews and reviews. Can you remember when there was only one preview for a movie and you had to go to the theater to see them? How about upcoming titles? Now you can practically see and know the movie before it’s out with all the previews, photos and spoilers. Even the reviews are up as soon as it is released or even sooner in this digital world. Giving too much really takes the money out of Hollywood’s pocket. People love the unknown. Viral movie marketing, the return of some old marketing techniques and a drop in price could breathe new life into bring people back to theaters. If things keep going the way they are, theaters will die.
    So for now, why not save the money you would spend at a theater and build your own experience or purchase the movie and a few others. Invite family/friends over, socialize, and make something of it or invite no one at all and enjoy some peace and quiet. Even if it is for a couple of hours. Eat great food, drink what you like. Show off your creation, learn from others and enjoy the self-gratification of “Yep, I built it. It’s mine.”

    But don’t take my word for it. Id rather watch one at home and that’s why.

    Interesting statistics from The National Association of Theatre Owners on Average U.S. Ticket Prices throughout the years:

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jared [visitor]

    Better to stay home, but theaters can be fun on occasion. Just have to pick the right theater (and the right movie, of course)!