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TGIF! Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a fun question.

One of the big movie industry news stories this week was Universal and Comcast’s abrupt decision to cancel their plans for $60 premium video-on-demand (VOD) rentals of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist. The great majority of commenters on this website said that there was no way they would pay anywhere near that price to watch a movie at home a few months early.
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The drama surrounding Tower Heist got us thinking about the experience of watching a movie in theaters versus the experience of watching one at home.

To enter this week’s giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

Which do you prefer: the movie theater or home theater experience?

Are the delicious popcorn and the thrill of being there on opening night worth the sticky floors and texting teens that come with the movie theater experience? Or do you prefer the comfort of your own couch and your own TV?

On Monday the 17th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments. The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice (to watch in your home theater!). Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.
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Good luck, Insiders!

10/17/11 Update

Congratulations to Pratt, our winner! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

981 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-Ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Nancy [visitor]

    Well my popcorn is not as good. Like being home after a long day at work. With the gas money and the price of the movie I can have a better treat than popcorn and stay home. So I prefer home.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    jeff [visitor]

    home…pause is great

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joyce [visitor]

    I like them both to get out the house to due the movie theater experience is fun & a outing for all; but home theater experience is used as quiet time to cuddle up which you can’t do at the movies:).

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    George Lynch [visitor]

    I do like a good movie theater, if it has good quality and no obnoxious People, someone kicking the back of your chair, babies crying or cell phones going off.
    But I will always choose a home theater better because you have more options of when where and what you wanna watch.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    anna christensen [visitor]

    I go to the theatre for my favs but love to watch movies at home with my fam!!!

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Melissa M. [visitor]

    I like being at home because I can pause it if I leave the room(which I do often)and I have any kind of food or beverage I want.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tanya Kennedy [visitor]

    Home is so much better, no screaming babies, no small kids kicking your seat and you can wear your PJs and pause when ever you want to!

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Beth Emmerling [visitor]

    I love going to the theater on rare occasions because it transports me to another world. of course that world can be full of distractions from audience members. It is a more encompassing experience. This is my favorite way to enjoy movies.

    I watch most movies at home though because I simply can’t afford the theater prices and with popcorn, forget it.

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Scott C [visitor]

    It greatly depends on the movie. I like the theater atmosphere and sound system for big action movies (Thor, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc), but the privacy of my own home for comedies (Paul, Zoo Keeper, etc).

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ronald O. [visitor]

    I prefer the home theater experience best! There’s no place like home for the theater experience!

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    SHARON SIMM [visitor]

    I love the theatre atmosphere with the big screen and stereophonic sound!!!

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ed Pribble [visitor]

    Nothing beats watching a movie on the big screen. Can’t match the huge screens, or loud, chest bumping speakers. But, at the same time, until they decide to put in cell phone signal jammers, in theatres, home will always be the most peaceful.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    evelyn kerr [visitor]

    Fun sitting at home in my pj’s while pausing the flick to go into my kitchen for my refreshment :)

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Christine Gilfoy [visitor]

    I myself prefer to be at home feet put my feet up and relaxed. I work 7 days a week but Do get 1 day off every other week so i watch movies from RED BOX I love it. THANK U RED BOX a satisfied customer.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Phillip Quanz [visitor]

    I like both the big screen and sound system in a theater but being home and in relaxed clothes and a couch instead of a chair. I call it a toss up, it depends on the movie and mood I am in.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Heidi Segovia [visitor]

    I love being able to stay at home and pop some popcorn for my little one and watch his favorite Disney movies!! family time is always the best!!! :)

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sarra [visitor]

    We are a large family, so it is too expensive to go to the movie theatre! Every once in a while dh and I will go on a movie date, but mostly we hang out at home, make our own popcorn, and have fun together. Also, it eliminates the constant bathroom breaks!

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Silverbill [visitor]

    I prefer viewing @ home unless its a spectacular 3D movie. Being part of the silver hair set its nice to have captions at the bottom most of the time.

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Megan [visitor]

    I like to watch at home after the kids go to bed!

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Niki Nowell [visitor]

    I love going to the theater, but I go during the day when all of the texting teens are in school. It’s quiet and I actually get to enjoy the movie. It’s also cheaper during the day. BUT, we watch a lot of movies at home and Redbox is a huge blessing. :)

  21. Member [Join Now]

    Nothing beats laying back in my pj’s, with my warm blanket, comfy pillow, and enjoying a good movie with my family and friends! All the food and drinks I want!
    I can stop the movie and resume if I need to answer the phone, go to the rest room or go for more food! I can rewind or even watch the movie again! Home theater definitely has more perks!

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    M L Connors [visitor]

    I prefer the movie theater. When I watch a movie at home, it doesn’t seem as special. A night at the movies is a night out with the big screen and great surround sound. It gets us away from homework, family obligations and chores, with popcorn and snacks prepared by someone who is not me!

  23. Visitor [Join Now]
    Andrea Noll [visitor]

    I like movies at home, so much more relaxing.

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jonathan [visitor]

    Home is best – but I do save the theater (and money) for the BIG blockbusters, like next summer’s The Dark Knight Rises! Otherwise, we’ll wait for the DVD release, save money, and watch it at home.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Phillip [visitor]

    I love the atmosphere of being at a movie, but I also love the ability to pause and rewind…that and it doesn’t cost $10 or more…

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    Debbie [visitor]

    Sadly, the big-screen experience has lost its glamour. Nowadays most theaters aren’t much bigger than a home screening room or large living space, and then they charge us an arm and a leg and pack us in like sardines! I obviously prefer the comfortability and savings I get at home! And subtitles!

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa K [visitor]

    Movies at home are best. I can cuddle up with my dog, eat healthy food, and stretch out in my recliner! I can pause the movie if I need to get more snacks, use the restroom, or answer the phone. I love redbox, there are so many great choices!

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Karen D. [visitor]

    I prefer the home theater experience. I can wear PJ’s if I want to, I can snack on whatever I want, I can put the movie on pause to leave the room, I can watch at whatever time I choose, I can be with friends or family, a much better atmosphere than at the movie theater.

  29. Member [Join Now]
    abdullatif63 [abdullatif61]

    I prefer going to the theater because it’s away to spend quality with my sons, who enjoy going and getting dad to spend money on ’em. However, in these economically hard times staying home saves me money and I still get to have a good time with my boys. They understand- I think.

  30. Member [Join Now]
    JPhilip03 [jphilip03]

    It’s stay at home for me…in my comfortable recliner, my feet up (can’t do that at the theatre) with a big bowl of popcorn that I can drizzle my own REAL butter on, eat movie size boxes of candy from Walmarts for a dollar. And I can put on the closed captions so that I don’t miss one word of the dialogue. Talk about an expensive movie night. It just doesn’t get any better than that!!!

  31. Member [Join Now]

    If I could get my movie popcorn at home then I would have no problems with being at home watching movies.. It is a lot cheaper

  32. Member [Join Now]

    When seeing something for the first time, it’s the big screen for me.

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dave Tartaglia [visitor]

    I would go to the theaters more often if they showed international and indie films in my area. Since they don’t, it’s home video for me.

  34. Member [Join Now]

    Home theater for sure if its pimped out, plus more control and privacy.

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jared Widman [visitor]

    Home Theater FTW. A 55″ LCD in my living room has the same view as a seat in the middle of the theater, unimpeded by other people’s heads. The floors are not sticky, the couch is more comfortable and reclines further, the surround sound is way more impressive here, the popcorn and soda isn’t marked up 1000% (the theater charges like they’re serving you a steak dinner for crying out loud), plus I have a pause button and subtitles!

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    SG [visitor]

    Prefer home viewing, but some movies should be seen in the theatre.

  37. Member [Join Now]
    Erkenbrand [erkenbrand]

    They both have there strengths and weaknesses. Watching movies at home – which is essentially just on my computer – is more convenient, and much cheaper, but in doesn’t have the expansiveness of a theater experience.

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    Miswinston [visitor]

    I like watching movies at home…I can do it in my PJ’s.

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tiffany Chau [visitor]

    There is something about the atmosphere of being at a movie theater that makes it much more enjoyable than watching movies at home. At the theaters they have all the latest movies, there is a sensational smell of popcorn as you walk in, and just being able to watch the movie alongside a room full of people makes it very enjoyable. I love laughing with the audience, screaming when watching a scary movie, or sometimes even crying with them. To me this is worth the extra money, the occasional annoying teen, and even leaving the comfort of my home. Also, because you have to pay so much more, you really enjoy the movie more when watching it in the theaters.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tom B [visitor]

    Sometimes the “special effects” aspects of a film warrant a trip to the theater, but–overall–I’d have to say the AT-HOME experience is far preferable to that of the local multi-plex any day!