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TGIF! Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a fun question.

One of the big movie industry news stories this week was Universal and Comcast’s abrupt decision to cancel their plans for $60 premium video-on-demand (VOD) rentals of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist. The great majority of commenters on this website said that there was no way they would pay anywhere near that price to watch a movie at home a few months early.
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The drama surrounding Tower Heist got us thinking about the experience of watching a movie in theaters versus the experience of watching one at home.

To enter this week’s giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

Which do you prefer: the movie theater or home theater experience?

Are the delicious popcorn and the thrill of being there on opening night worth the sticky floors and texting teens that come with the movie theater experience? Or do you prefer the comfort of your own couch and your own TV?

On Monday the 17th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments. The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice (to watch in your home theater!). Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.
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Good luck, Insiders!

10/17/11 Update

Congratulations to Pratt, our winner! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

981 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-Ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rachael [visitor]

    the movie theater but its just too darn expensive

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    bobby gordon [visitor]

    i choose home theather and dollar movies from the red box any day!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Carol [visitor]

    I like the big screen for big action movies. It’s expensive but I go on bargain night. For most movies I prefer being on my couch where I can be more comfortable and not worried about catching germs from a crowded theater. I also love the price for redbox so I don’t mind waiting for movies to be available.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Koletech [visitor]

    I prefer the my movies at home over the Theater anytime. My big screen lcd tv, my recliner, my popcorn, my soft drink, my family, and my bathroom are far superior to anything even the plushist movie theater in the world has to offer.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rach [visitor]

    Theatre experience definitely…. But I pick and choose which ones I see since it’s so expensive.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    SUZETTE BROWNE [visitor]

    I think bigger isn’t always better. I think you can get the same quality in a home theater system as a movie theater. But if you had the money, then I would say go for it.

  7. Member [Join Now]

    We go see some big blockbusters (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Avatar) at the movies, but wait for the not so big movies to come out so we can watch them at home. The kids love to go to the movies!

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Barbara Guers [visitor]

    Once in a while at the theater if I am really into a movie. You can’t beat a reasonalbly priced rental at home with a pizza and popcorn at home with friends and family!

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    David [visitor]

    I do like a good movie theater, if it has good quality and no obnoxious kids. But I will always choose home theater better because you have WAY more options of when where and what you wanna watch.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jason [visitor]

    Home theater for sure becasue or price

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tyzer [visitor]

    I prefer to go to the movie theater but because of the cost I usually just wait for it to come out on redbox and go to the theater only for the big action packed special effects heavy blockbusters.

  12. Member [Join Now]

    There is nothing better than movie butter popcorn and the big screen but the prices are out of this world!!

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Russ Dixon [visitor]

    I prefer the movie theater experience, but can’t afford it that often. Less distractions in the theatre over home theatre. Like people dropping by, phone ringing, dog needing to go outside, kids running in and out.

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    lauren cowart [visitor]

    I definately say at home! I can pause, rewind, and stop a movie whenever i want w/out missing anything! I can light candles, set the lighting and audio to how I want. I can answer my cell phone if and when i want. I can watch hilarious moments over and over If i want! I can eat and drink whatever i want ;)…. wout it costing me a lot of money. I can wear what i want and be comfortable ALL for cheap! I still believe going to the movies is a great date night, however I personally prefer being at home! Redbox is what makes this ALL the better! ;)

  15. Member [Join Now]

    I still love to go to the theatre for the large screen experience, but like everyone says, it’s just too expensive these days to go very often.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sandi Rai [visitor]

    i prefer theater. I just love the BIG screen and the BIG sound
    of the movie theater. Escape is everything…

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    justin gutierrez [visitor]

    movie theatre.the screen and sound is better and if you go on a friday night there usually is a lot of hot women.and it is not a bad thing to be sociable with other people.

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    amanda [visitor]

    I would rather wait till it comes to redbox..because are house has a home theater love Mr some redbox…

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chris Nelson [visitor]

    Id much prefer watching the movies at home on my 55 inch Samsung LED…….Got a blu ray player with a surround sound so that adds too my experince. ITs like my own personal home theatre except its in the comfort of my own home!!!!!!! I can pause the movie whenever I please and not miss anything…….keep bringing in the blu rays Redbox!!!!! You guys rock and your prices are completley affordable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Millie [visitor]

    I perfer Red Box Movies anytime over theatre! Single mother with kids… Cannot afford the expensive and over rate experience!

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Becky [visitor]

    It absolutely depends on the type of movie. There is no better place, in my opinion, to see a super scary movie than at the theatre. It seems that every time I watch a horror movie at home for the first time, I find myself enjoying the scary parts but thinking of how much more fun and scary they would have been if I had been surrounded by that big gasp and jump of the crowd. People truly feed off each other’s energy and there is no energy more contagious than fear! I find that for thriller/drama movies I like to be at home. With all of those intense nail biter, will they get the bad guy or won’t they moments I seem to lack the ability to breathe or relax my muscles the entire movie. Thanks to this by the middle of the movie I am so wound up that any noise such as people talking around me or getting up and down, can easily send me over the edge and want to scream. A couple of years ago I would have said that Sci Fi movies HAD to be in the theatre to get the true effect of the movie, however, with the amazing home theatre technology now it seems the same quality can be had at home, unless you want the 3D effect. I feel even with a 3D TV you can’t get the same WOW feeling that the large screen can offer you. As for comedies, they depend on my desire to go out or stay in. If I’m in a get out of the house mood, the movie is way funnier in the theatre with all the people around me laughing. If I want to be home I seem to enjoy the intimate atmosphere where I can discuss the funny moments with people around me and not feel guilty for speaking. So all in all I don’t feel there is one easy answer to this question. The only easy answer I can give is that I WILL NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE pay $60 to see a movie at home OR in the theatre! I live in Las Vegas, I can go to an actual show for that amount of money.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    A Jett [visitor]

    I love going to the movies, however the prices are getting much too high and you can’t help but think about how dirty the seats, etc are in the theaters. Unless it is a movie we can’t wait to see or a special date night, we will just wait until it is at Redbox.

  23. Member [Join Now]

    I enjoy going to the movies.

  24. Member [Join Now]
    D2B [d2b]

    Nearly always at home with new LED screen and home theater surround sound. Anxious to try my first blue ray — waiting for my birthday wish to come true.

    But need to go to the theater every few months.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Peabody [visitor]

    For the ‘experience’ I prefer going to a movie theatre but only to watch a good action movie and then go into a 2nd movie to get my moneys worth because it costs so much. Part of the experience is getting out of the house and making a night out of it. But for cost, comfort and convenience you cant beat home theatre. For $1 you get a movie that can be paused so you can run to the bathroom and lay on your own comfy couch instead of someone kicking the back of your chair or listening to someone’s baby cry, and all the food & drinks in your fridge are already paid for. = )

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    Emily [visitor]

    I prefer at home movies. The movie theaters are too expensive and it really sucks if you have to use the bathroom, bc most of the time u hold it till your about to bust at the end of the movie, and are practically running to the bathroom. lol. there are certain movies I have to see in theaters, like Harry Potter, The Pirate movies and the Twilight movies. Other than maybe a few here and there if I’m invited out, I will defiantly be staying at home to watch movies.

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Casey [visitor]

    If you have the right setup at home (big screen, surround sound) then being at home with a Redbox beats the theaters any day. That is especially true where I live (Los Angeles) where going to the theater is expensive, a hassle, and you spend a total time of about 4 hours to see a two hour movie.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Andy [visitor]

    Home. Can lay on the couch with a special person.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    JRM [visitor]

    Home theater like Koltech said above. Have a DLP projetor, 7.1 surround sound, recliners and a mini popcorn maker. Can’t complain!

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    KC [visitor]

    I think its always fun to go out to the movie theater with friends but if your looking for something more relaxing and a little cheaper then the home theater is the way to go. The quality you can get at home can be just as good as the theater now days. You don’t have to hear babies crying or cell phones going off. Not to mention having the tall person sit in front of you. Its nice because if you need to pause the show you can. The only difference is the movie theater has shows that are not available to the general public yet but I would still pick home theater!

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    bob h [visitor]

    I like the home theater experience!

  32. Member [Join Now]
    YogaMan [yogaman]

    Home Theatre, Definitely. Pause+forward+back+etc. Air-popped Popcorn with Olive oil & spices. Favorite chair. Yea Redbox!

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Josh [visitor]

    Like everyone else the movies are expensive, nice but over priced. Watch a movie in the comfort of you home.

  34. Member [Join Now]
    Jamie [jminieri]

    Most definitely prefer the movie theater experience.

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    amber [visitor]

    i think home theater, because if you gotta go to the bathroom you can just pause it and come back to your movie. you have your own snacks and it doesnt cost you an arm and a leg for a drink and some pop you can sit in your own comfortable chairs and just kick back relax and enjoy.

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Michelle [visitor]

    I like being at home on my cozy couch watching movies. Plus you save soooo much money!

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jennifer [visitor]

    I choose home theater cause I have a 55 LED tv and its better than the movie theater. Redbox here I come…

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa [visitor]

    I love home theatre! Pause, start, fast forward, rewind whenever you want. Bathroom breaks galore! :)

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tony J [visitor]

    I’m kinda in between. My family’s favorite is a nearby drive-in. $6 / person for 2 new movies, a reasonably priced diner / snack bar, and we bring our own drinks. An audience to share the movie with like a theater but we can get in the car and close the windows when the audience is too obnoxious.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    Abraham [visitor]

    I prefer the confort of home with a good movie and a bucket of popcorn and diet coke.