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TGIF! Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a fun question.

One of the big movie industry news stories this week was Universal and Comcast’s abrupt decision to cancel their plans for $60 premium video-on-demand (VOD) rentals of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist. The great majority of commenters on this website said that there was no way they would pay anywhere near that price to watch a movie at home a few months early.
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The drama surrounding Tower Heist got us thinking about the experience of watching a movie in theaters versus the experience of watching one at home.

To enter this week’s giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

Which do you prefer: the movie theater or home theater experience?

Are the delicious popcorn and the thrill of being there on opening night worth the sticky floors and texting teens that come with the movie theater experience? Or do you prefer the comfort of your own couch and your own TV?

On Monday the 17th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments. The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice (to watch in your home theater!). Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.
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Good luck, Insiders!

10/17/11 Update

Congratulations to Pratt, our winner! We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize.

981 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-Ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mark [visitor]

    I like the movie theater experience, but the current prices detour going out and the snack costs are rediculous often up to twice the cost of the ticket. This has made the home theater experience our main option.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Nancy [visitor]

      I love going to the movies but the prices are getting a little to expensive when I can rent it for a dollar. I hardly ever go to the movies anymore!

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Glenn Scott [visitor]

      I LOVE the big screen experience!
      We just can’t afford it so the couch
      is what we do!

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Hilda Grantman [visitor]

    I still love being in the theater and watching movies on the big screen!

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Brett [visitor]

    This is tough for me — I LOVE the movie theater experience of screen, lights, sound, popcorn, etc.
    BUT I prefer to sit in my own home, have full control over the remote, access to bathroom, snacks, etc., and it winds up costing so much less.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Nickol [visitor]

    Well, it costs us about $50 to go to the theater and get the snacks we like, but sit in uncomfortable seats and possibly not be able to see over someone else’s head. We very rarely do so, and only as a couple, never with the whole family.

    Would I pay $60 to view a movie early at home one time? Probably not… On occasion I might pay that much for an early release DVD, but not for a single viewing, even though we do watch most of our movies at home, comfortably on the big tv and with cheap homemade popcorn, and real butter!

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Alan [visitor]

    I like to watch movies at home usually because i can pause it to go to the bathroom, get something to eat, etc.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rob [visitor]

    As I have an older, smaller television, I have to say I enjoy the theater experience a bit more strictly speaking aesthetically; the prices just plain suck. Were things different (having a home theater system with a 1080p very large screen tv), I’d opt to stay in and enjoy my own snacks and the simply sublime ability to pause the film.

  7. Member [Join Now]

    I love, love LOVE going to the movies. When I was a new mom it was my getaway for a couple of hours (when I had a babysitter! didn’t bring my baby to movies to cry and disturb everyone else..LOL) After I went back to work, I would try to go to movies every chance I got as I worked half days on Friday. I would get my popcorn, drink and candy and put my feet up in a mostly empty theater and I was in HEAVEN! I always went alone and felt so decadent! Now with the price of movies it is much harder to go and when I do I find myself looking for the remote to rewind or put subtitles on! LOL
    Even with obnoxious people in theaters I still love to go to movies! If you go at right time when theater is empty it is fantastic!

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chris [visitor]

    It depends on the movie – but in general I prefer the home experience: no people, less cost (even after initial investment in TV and sound system), more flexibility

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    bigdpitchas [visitor]

    i prefer the movie theatre experience, because it’s more immersive. when ernest goes to jail, i want to feel like i’m in there with him.

  10. Member [Join Now]
    OnlineHound [onlinehound]

    As others have mentioned, nothing beats the Movie Theater expierence… when you have a good crowd and the kids are behaving, that is. But it is much more immersive and the ability to suspend disbelief is so much easier at a movie theater.
    However, with the demands of the day, not to mention the exhorbitant prices at the theaters these days, we watch at least 200x more movies at home. It is just sooooo much more convenient and less expensive. Well, less expensive if you haven’t sold the farm for a uber home theater. But having movie theater seats at home with my own popcorn maker and 5 subwoofers along the front of the room? Who wouldn’t want that? One of these days, maybe… one of these days…

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Leah [visitor]

    home theater. love to be able to pause to go to the bathroom, be comfortable, and eat whatever I want during a movie.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kristy Loper [visitor]

    I love to go to the movie theather but with a family of four and snacks its over $60. The last time I went to the movie theather the ticket prices were $5 to get it so I had money left over for drinks and snacks, The home expierence is better because you will not have those annoying people in front of you or behing you kicking you chair or yelling at the screen,

  13. Member [Join Now]
    Kingman [kingman]

    Home theater is highly preferred. TVs are now much bigger and better with HD so that the picture quality is great! Prefer watching the movie in a comfortable home without the over-priced tickets and snacks. The pause button or replay at the home is a huge plus as well!

  14. Member [Join Now]

    I love to go to the movies but really can’t afford it when it only costs $1.05 for a rental. I just have to be patient and wait for the movie to come out. Also, I buy the movies I like so I can watch them anytime at home.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Eric [visitor]

    Definitely the home experience as with cell phones today it can be very distracting to watch a movie with all the rude people who actually use their phone while the movie is playing. Also people talk to each other all the time which is annoying and ruins the movie theater experience.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Michelle Holder [visitor]

    I like watching movies at home, I can pause, and eat or do what I need to do, and then resume when I’m ready…not to mention the comfortable seats.

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mike [visitor]

    The theater is nice for seeing a movie on a big screen but as I have surround sound at home it is more economical to watch it there.

  18. Member [Join Now]

    The other patrons get so mad when I bring out my little friend and play along. But when I’m on my sofa enjoying a movie with my little friend nobody cares.

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    joeshow [visitor]

    i rather watch it in the movie theather if the movie is really good..

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Russ [visitor]

    Home. Definitely home.

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jose [visitor]

    The movie theater experience is fun because you get excited just because you have this huge image of a movie in front of you, and the sound system makes your adrenaline pump when something amazing is happening. But let’s face it, there is no better experience than watching it at home. The comfort of the couch, eating whatever you like without the big markup prices, and if you have a good enough home theater system, the movie looks and sounds just as good.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa [visitor]

    I prefer going to the movies. I like the atmosphere in movie theaters with the smell of fresh popcorn being popped and seeing smiles on peoples faces. In a world where everything moves so fast its nice to take a break and go somewhere where you can relax and laugh,cry, or cheer with complete strangers beside you. I do enjoy watching movies at home as well but there you have the knocking on the door or the phone ringing or things that need to be done that are stareing at you asking to have attention. Its harder to relax at home compared to the theatres but when your doing a project at home its great to have a movie playing on the tv.

  23. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kathleen [visitor]

    I love going to the movies! However the ticket prices make this difficult. I love the popcorn and the soda, the giggling with your friends and not caring what others think of your laugh but again…the prices of it all…ugh! So, my other option is home which can be fun too and of course the price is right! I must admit the best part about watching a movie at home(besides the $$ saving) is the pause button! If I need to go use the washroom I can, if I want to ask someone something about the movie, I can. And the rewind button…HOLY COW what a capability…if I missed what the actors said…well I can just repeat it! There are bonuses in both situations I guess.

  24. Member [Join Now]

    I actually enjoy them both equally. While I enjoy the time I can spend with family outside of the home @ the theater eating popcorn and drinks. I do enjoy spending the quiet time at home also with family doing the same thing. I dont mind the costs of the movie theater because we always take advantage of their specials and it makes it worth the money to spend the time with family. So either one is good enough for me.

  25. Member [Join Now]

    Like the theater better…booming sound and huge screen is awesome…go to earliest show on a weekday for the least distractions

  26. Visitor [Join Now]
    Penny Cotsworth [visitor]

    I really enjoy the movies at a theater. But, I can’t afford the tickets (unless I go to twilight), snacks etc… I like movies at home ok but most movies ARE alot better on a larger screen especially the action movies!! I don’t have a problem getting snacks and using the bathroom before the movie starts but, it does really bother me when people text while the movie is going!!

  27. Member [Join Now]

    depends on the movie. blockbuster’s (that don’t suck) are a theater must. others are better at home, away from screaming children. or with screaming children of my choosing.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pam Taylor [visitor]

    I like the theatre but snacks make the experience a pain in the pocket. I can stop the movie at home and make a snack making home the best place to watch movies.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    Janell [visitor]

    I like that I can experience the theatre from time to time, but costs are outrageous and I’d rather watch a movie on my couch than the uncomfortable seats there…

  30. Member [Join Now]
    Cantatrica [cantatrica]

    I like to go to the movie theater when I can get a deal, like free tickets. I usually only go for big movies I just can’t wait to see when they come out on DVD (Harry Potter!). Otherwise I prefer to stay home and watch on my TV. My comfy chair, a stocked fridge and the pause button for bathroom breaks are great. Or even better…curl up in bed and watch in the bedroom.

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    Adam Shelton [visitor]

    I like the theater experience best. Theres nothing better than going to see a movie on a screen that is at least ten times taller than you are.

  32. Visitor [Join Now]
    Reese Mc [visitor]

    I prefer watching movies at home. The admission price, food, drink, and snacks are much cheaper. Plus, I don’t have to deal with rude patrons talking and/or texting during the movie. My bed is much more comfortable than any theater seat I’ve ever sat in. I can pause the movie at any time and adjust the volume to my preference. All in all, nothing beats it!

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Martin wilkins [visitor]

    chillin on the coach is more better. why pay out of control prices to go to the theater? it is pointless. get all your goodies and drinks together and watch your movie in your own comfort.

  34. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sharon [visitor]

    I like to go to the Movies but can’t afford to very often so settle for the movies at home and can make my own snacks and go to the restroom without making a row of people stand up!!! So at home Movies does have it’s advantages

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa [visitor]

    I love the movie theater experience, and go on Tuesdays when I can to my local theater – it’s only $5.00 all day long! However, popping in a blu-ray, with surround sound in the comfort of my home on my comfy couch is a VERY close second place. :)

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Batboy [visitor]

    i prefer watching movies at home. We went to an R rated movie the other day and a young couple decided they needed to bring their 2 year old with them. Needless to say, he did nothing but scream and cry for about 45 minutes of the movie. I love kids, but please get a babysitter!

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Andrea [visitor]

    Most of the time I prefer watching movies at home. We have three kids and it’s just easier. Going out to see a movie is one of the top things we like to do when we do go out. Watching a movie in the theater is better than watching on tv but you can’t beat the comfort of home.

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    fran pillersdorf [visitor]

    I love going to the Theatre, when I watch a movie at the at Theatre, I am completly involved (as long as it is a good movie) At home, I am distracted, laundry, phone calls, making popcorn….etc.

  39. Member [Join Now]

    I like the home theater experience, because its cheaper, you can pause the movie if you get interrupted, and I can relax and enjoy the movie better at home.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mark [visitor]

    MOvie theater for the huge screen and awesome surround sound. too bad prices are so high!!! time to get a home theater!