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TGIF! Every week on “Freebie Friday”, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, you have a chance to win a free copy of a DVD or Blu-ray of your choice, just by answering a fun question.
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Universal and Comcast are planning on charging $60 for premium video-on-demand (VOD) rentals of the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie, Tower Heist. For many consumers, sixty bucks seems like an outrageous amount to pay for the privilege of watching a movie at home a few weeks after it hits theaters.
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To enter this week’s giveaway, simply answer the following question in the comments section below:

What is the price you would be willing to pay for premium VOD?

How much is watching a recently released theatrical movie at home worth to you? $10? $20? Nada? We want to know what price point you think would be reasonable for studios and cable companies to charge.

On Monday the 10th, we will randomly select a winner from the submitted comments. The winner will receive a free DVD or Blu-ray copy of a movie of their choice. Multiple comments will disqualify you, so please respond just once.

Good luck, Insiders!

10/10/11 UPDATE

Congratulations to Andrea, our winner. We’ll be in touch shortly about your prize!

1,146 Responses to “Freebie Friday: Win a Free DVD or Blu-Ray! *UPDATED WITH WINNER*”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Amanda [visitor]

    No more than $5, I am a patient person and can wait to see it even if it is something I want to see really bad, family needs come way before a movie does.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Melissa [visitor]

    I wouldn’t pay any more than the cost of a theater ticket. This is just a way for rich movie producers to become even richer on the backs of the working American.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    JC [visitor]

    The SAME price I pay for all other videos ($ 1.00 from Netflix)…What NERVE to charge such an outrageous price. I would wait till I could rent it on NETFLIX, Universal can “Take a hike”.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ryan [visitor]

    Well a theater ticket is way too expensive, but you pay per person, while if you watched at home it would be per household. I would say $8-10 would be reasonable though.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kevin [visitor]

    I second that. Netflix was great until the price changes. I’d pay a fraction of a movie theater ticket, no more than that.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    kincaid [visitor]


  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Marie Gal [visitor]

    With people saving their pennies, I’d be willing to pay five dollars as I would invite the family over to watch as well. Maybe these ‘times’ will bring families together?

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Bonita Jenkins [visitor]

    I would pay between $5 & $10

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lenis Molina [visitor]

    I think a fair price is $5-$10 dollars.Anything above that is too much.

  10. Member [Join Now]

    I wouldn’t pay a dollar for the service because I prefer an actual copy of the disk not a digital copy. I guess I’m just old school that way.

  11. Member [Join Now]

    I usually get my movies at the library for free, but if I had to pay, I wouldn’t pay anymore than what I get them for at Redbox or Blockbuster kiosks, which is $1.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Angie [visitor]

    I think between 1 and 5 is ok……anything more is tooooo much.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sonia [visitor]


  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Justin [visitor]

    No more than $10 for me.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    sue Campbell [visitor]

    I think al movies should be VOD for an individual rental fee of $1.00. If Red Box is making money renting DVDs how much more could they make if they didn’t have to deal with the media or kiosks.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    BMan [visitor]

    The same price as a theatre ticket. It would still be cheaper than going to see it since you’d save on parking and snacks.

  17. Member [Join Now]

    I would only pay the price of a theatre ticket.

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Sue [visitor]

    I’d consider paying a little higher than a movie ticket – our town it’s 8.75 on a weekend — so maybe $10 – $15 but ONLY if it’s something i’ve been waiting to see like a sequel, has my favorite actor, or is based on a book i really, really loved. it would be a bonus because i’m a plus-sized person & theater seats actually leave me bruised and sore!!

  19. Member [Join Now]
    Jomguy [jomguy]

    $5.00 is fair, $1.00 is better for the DVD!

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tamil [visitor]

    $1 Just right. :-)

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tamil [visitor]

    I like my redbox face.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lyners [visitor]

    $5. That’s it. I never even go to the theater anymore because it is just too expensive now days. Times are tough, and there are much more important things than movies.

  23. Member [Join Now]

    $3 is my limit…

  24. Member [Join Now]

    $5 – no more than that.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jeffrey [visitor]

    I would pay $0.00 to see it. I know that it is illegal and imoral but I use torrents for my movies and for my tv shows. We all are poor and I don’t see why I should right now have to use my hard earn money to pay for a show or movie that I may or may not like. Why should I pay some actor $$$ to get another gold plated hummer when I can’t even get a ride it in anyways.

  26. Member [Join Now]

    i would pay about $16 smackers!

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tish [visitor]

    I definitely would not pay $60 for this service because I’m already paying for cable nor would I go out and rent it at a video store, because I’m not able to afford it AND I’m on a budget while going to college. Plus the rental fees are over rated!

  28. Member [Join Now]

    5 bucks, that’s it. If I wanted to see it that bad I would go to the theater for the movie experience. Can you tell I am a RedBox fan!!! I don’t mind waiting.

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa [visitor]

    Zero. Zilch. Nada. I don’t even pay full price for movies in the theater any more. since I discovered a dollar theater in town, that’s all I pay. Love Netflix and Redbox. The movie industry has it’s head in the sand!

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    tat2u [visitor]

    I would pay up t0 $20. If the movies coming to my house then me and 4 friends can watch it, thats each of paying $4, and not having to drive to the movie theatre. But I’d still pay $20 if it was just me and a date, $10 each is still not as bad as most movie theatres.

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    AJ [visitor]

    I think $20 would be a reasonable fee for a “not quite” first-run movie. That amount is equal to cost of taking 3 people to a movie with no extras. A living room full of friends with homemade yummies and a movie makes for a good night. And you can ennjoy a cocktail with your cinema ;-)


  32. Visitor [Join Now]
    Craig [visitor]

    I never go to the theater, because in my part of the country there is a cultural element that believes it’s OK to talk back to a movie, so I would pay easily 10 maybe 20 bucks for my whole family to be able to enjoy a movie a bit earlier than renting the DVD.

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Peytoon [visitor]

    I think they should charge about 15 and id only purchase that if i had a group of people with me and the movie is someing that looks good

  34. Member [Join Now]
  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    Colette Beaulieu [visitor]

    $30 max. Considering the price of a matinee for two, plus what is inevitably spent on popcorn & drinks by going out, factor in the convenience of being home, no big head in front of me, movie starts on my time… $30 seems reasonable for VOD. Have a few friends over & split the cost, not bad at all. I am frugal though, I hardly ever go to the theater. I wait for the DVD release and get it at Redbox for $1!

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pat [visitor]

    Not more than $5. If it is that good of a movie, I would pay to go to the theater to watch it.

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dominic virtusio [visitor]

    To see a movie before they show on theater
    At home, I am willing to pay 50% more on what
    The movies charges.

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    Heidi [visitor]

    I would pay 20 dollars to watch it at home, especially if it was something that I really wanted to see and my whole family could watch it, or if a bunch of friends would watch with me. I don’t think I would pay more than that, unless you could see it as soon as it came out in theaters.

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    Zach [visitor]

    If the ability to record and own the movie was available I think it would be worth about 20$. The same price of a new DVD, granted it just was on the big screen. DVD’s have really lost their value with the ability to download or burn movies, even ones that are still in theaters. Eventhough it is “illegal,” there seems to be a lot of websites out there where you can do such things. So I have heard, me myself would never do such a federal no-no.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    blake jackson [visitor]

    I would pay around 10-15 dollars to watch a recently released movie at home instead of going to the movie theater. I would much rather watch it at home then go to the theater.