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Elysium Preview and Trailer

downloadIn our never-ending quest to keep you informed and up-to-date on movie and home entertainment happenings, Inside Redbox regularly takes a look at major films coming out in the near(ish) future that are already generating buzz and anticipation. This time around, we’re spotlighting Elysium.

Here’s the brand new trailer:


Matt Damon and Jody Foster star in this film about a future where society is divided into earth-dwellers living on a crowded, crime-ridden planet and a privileged few who live in luxury on a space station called Elysium. One man decides to don a powerful suit and change that equation a bit.

Elysium descends into theaters this August. Will you be there?

2 Responses to “Elysium Preview and Trailer”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Shemp Howard [shemp-howard]

    Neill Blomkamp [“District 9”] a big, big budget [estimated @ $100-million] and an “A” list cast!

    High hopes for this one!

  2. Member [Join Now]

    Looks good.