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Content to Make or Break Netflix?

You’ve been called out, Netflix.
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The company’s difficulties with keeping its content costs down have been well-chronicled, and a major stock market analysis website has posted an article urging Netflix to acquire more content or perish.

Wall Street-watching site Seeking Alpha has run a story examining Netflix’s situation and the challenges it faces in its increasingly crowded market. Mincing no words about Netflix’s predicament, the story names Amazon, Comcast, and Redbox/Verizon as competitors who are ready to pounce should Netflix lose its footing in the content acquisition game. Says the site:

Netflix had better increase its video content significantly, especially its proprietary content, or Amazon, or somebody else will eat its sack lunch.

The article paints a pretty bleak picture for the company if it doesn’t up its game when it comes to adding content:

When it comes to streaming video, content will be king. Those with content that everybody wants to watch will survive, those with content that everybody else has will wither away.
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Netflixing Insiders, are you dissatisfied with the amount/quality of content on Netflix? Can the company afford to keep its prices where they’re at AND add quality content at the rate its competitors are doing?

[via Seeking Alpha]

5 Responses to “Content to Make or Break Netflix?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Danno! [visitor]

    It is not over until the Fat Lady Sings!
    And I don’t think that will happen soon.
    NetFlix is still going ok. I think they will
    add move TV shows and Movies. And Put CC Closed Caption
    on them all. Keep in mind. Millions of people that are Hard of hearing and need CC. Closed Caption on the TV shows and Movies.
    If NetFlix keeps up they are doing . Putting more and more out with the CC on
    then. It will be Millions more in the bank for them..
    I have NetFlix Online.. And will keep it..

  2. Member [Join Now]

    I watch Netflix movies on my smart TV primarily….but seldom the selections that are part of a series unless they are perhaps 3 or less (with a few exceptions like “360”), but I’m especially not interested in old TV shows. Virtually all of the Netflix movies have CC, which I need, and am grateful for. I also have access to Vudu streaming on our smart TV, but they offer no CC, which was a big disappointment. However, Netflix needs more fresh content!! Perhaps I watch Netflix more often than most, but I’m tiring of the lack of newer movies. The best selection I’ve watched recently was the Dragon Lady trilogy, which was well done and suspenseful. Some other foreign-made movies are also exceptionally well produced and directed. For the price, Netflix streaming is still a good buy!

  3. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    Netflix does streaming very well. It’s fairly easy to understand and sites like instantwatcher help you find popular content. There are many old shows I want to watch and and ok selection of movies. I don’t use it a ton but @ this price point I will keep it. If they change pricing I hope they keep a lower tier because that’s what I want. I already have many other ways I view newer movies/shows.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    TLC [visitor]

    I’d pay $9.99 a month (25% increase) if Netflix could improve it’s content. Throw money at HBO, Starz, and Showtime. Get access to more theatricals, sooner. Give me more for my money, and I’ll give you more of my money.
    But if they raise the fee for the SAME content….I’m gone.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dave Tartaglia [visitor]

    Would prefer to see Netflix fill in their back-catalog with more classics and foreign content.