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imagesRedbox parent Coinstar and Netflix, who respectively dominate the kiosk rental and streaming movie businesses, were both ranked among the top 25 media companies in the world for 2012. The annual list is compiled by research firm SNL Kagan.

Number one on the list was The Walt Disney Co.
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, with Warner Bros. coming in second. Netflix came in at number 17 on the list, with an operating income increase of nearly 13 percent over 2011. Redbox parent company Coinstar jumped from 25th in 2011 to 22nd in 2012, with a nearly 45 percent increase in income. To view the complete list, click here.

Are you surprised at where Redbox and Netflix ended up on the list?
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How do you think they will rank next year?

[via Home Media Magazine]

2 Responses to “Coinstar and Netflix Both Rank Among Top 25 Media Companies”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Shemp Howard [shemp-howard]

    Interesting compilation…

    Can redbox even be called a media company? How do you compare a netflix to The Washington Post? I guess its how you CATEGORIZE these companies.

    Where’s COMCAST? or even Verizon?

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Julieta Harthun [visitor]

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