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Looks like consumers aren’t the only ones who are upset about Universal/Comcast’s plan to offer the upcoming Eddie Murphy movie Tower Heist on premium VOD three weeks after its theatrical release. Cinemark Theatres is threatening to cancel screenings of the film if the $59.99 premium VOD offering takes place.
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From a Cinemark statement:

“Cinemark has urged Universal Pictures to reconsider its market test of this product . . . If Universal Pictures moves forward with its Tower Heist premium VOD offering, as announced, Cinemark has determined, in its best business interests, that it will decline to exhibit this film in its theatres.”

Cinemark’s concern over the premium VOD offering is a bit puzzling, as previous studio efforts to get consumers to pay $30 for premium VOD have not been considered successful. Perhaps with the smaller window (three weeks for this test compared to eight weeks for previous ones) Cinemark is worried about a greater impact on Tower Heist‘s theatrical earnings, which are typically the strongest in the first few weeks of release.

Does Cinemark have anything to worry about here, Insiders?

(via Home Media Magazine)

9 Responses to “Cinemark Threatens to Boycott ‘Tower Heist’ Over Premium VOD Plans”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jonathan [visitor]

    There are other theatre companies that are larger than Cinemark such as, Regal Entertainment Group. Also, Cinemark is the same company who donated 1 million dollars to support California Prop 8. Advocates for equality should be aware that supported Cinemark means you support hate.

  2. Member [Join Now]
    Lok3sh [lok3sh]

    Cinemark should not care. Nobody in their right mind would pay $59.99 to watch a friggin movie.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Greenmet29 [visitor]

      I would. If I take my family of four to the movie theater, it costs me more like 80 bucks and that’s on the cheap side. But if I stay home, I can eat what I want, watch it on the tv that I want with the surround system that I want (all of which can add up to a lot of money) and I don’t have to deal with the crowds and the dumbass people point a laser light on the screen.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rojas [visitor]

    Even if all theaters boycotted the film i would still wait for the Redbox special of
    one dollar.

  4. Member [Join Now]

    The thing is that three weeks is cutting it much too close for theatres to be viable. Most movies run three weeks and sometimes more.

    As much as it pains me to say it also, the price is about right. A night at the Cinemark for a family of 4 with popcorn and soda for all versus a night at home with microwave popcorn and a 2 liter make the difference.

    In short, are theatres in trouble. Yes. Is premium VOD to blame, no, their prices are. Will VOD hurt them, probably not at that price but it may and if it survives it will eventually win people over. Especially if the price drops any at all.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    JP [visitor]

    I think Cinemark is right in trying to supress the VOD release only 3 weeks after the theater release. If this catches on, VOD will eventually replace movie theaters completely.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Me [visitor]

    @ Jonathan
    What is wrong with Cinemark supporting its own livelihood? They are in the movie theater business afterall. And what is wrong with supporting a political cause that one believes in? That’s the American way!

  7. Member [Join Now]
    Jeff [dividedgamer]

    Tbh this vod is making people lazy. Get out of your house and go to the movies!