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Unlike its red-boxed rival, NCR-owned Blockbuster Express had a lousy first quarter of 2011. BB Express posted a Q1 operating loss of million, up from a million loss in the same period in 2010.
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NCR chalked up the mounting losses to the cost of expanding its kiosk network, which now numbers nearly 9,000.
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NCR isn’t ready to give up on the kiosks, however. NCR’s EVP of business solutions, John Bruno, claims that upcoming day-and-date releases of select titles will give Blockbuster Express an edge. Said Bruno:

“There is great potential from premium content and represents a key competitive advantage for Express kiosks . . . The potential for this business remains exciting.”

How do you think BB Express will fare in the coming months, Insiders, especially in the wake of the Blockbuster buyout by Dish Network. Will a (possibly) revived parent brand bode well for the blue boxes?

(via Home Media Magazine)

12 Responses to “Blockbuster Express Loses $15 Million in First Quarter”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vernon Dent [visitor]

    Apparently, NCR’s built-out pace isn’t converging to a break-even or better proposition.

    Insiders should be big BBE fans for no other reason than to keep redbox honest and serving Insider’s best interest.

    Unfortunately, the nearest BBE kiosk is still too far away for it to be relevant as a choice for selection.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Bob [visitor]

    The only reason I don’t utilize them is they’re always inside grocery stores, never convenient and outside. Having to always cater to the store’s hours of operations to return a movie is ridiculous.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joe Schmuck [visitor]

    Maybe NCR doesn’t use questionable accounting procedures.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Firstlawofnature [visitor]

      Are you implying coinstar uses questionable accounting procedures? If so what specific procedures do you find aggressive?

  4. Member [Join Now]

    BB Express will be out of business before too long if they don’t address the lousy dvd cases they use for their dvds. I only rent with free codes now so I don’t lose any money when renting. I use all three of my cards and almost every time at least 1 of the 3 movies is so scratched that it either skips badly or doesn’t play at all. Sometimes 2 out of 3 are bad. I got tired of having to call them to get refunds for movies that didn’t play right (when I used to pay for them) so I only use free codes now, that way if they don’t play right I’m not out anything. I can’t be the only one who feels this way, so before too long no one will rent from them anymore and they will be out of business.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    tinybrat [visitor]

    BBE is losing money almost as fast as the brick and mortar blockbuster stores. They think that their premium day & date releases for $3 or $4 is going to save them, uh what makes that any different than the video stores?? I bet we will see a huge loss in Q2 as well.

    As for Dish helping, they don’t own BBE. Its a licensing issue only, so Dish has no control over BBE. That acquisition won’t help at all.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Casey4147 [visitor]

    There were three BBE kiosks in my immediate area – I say were as they’re gone now, pulled over the last two weeks. The closest kiosk is at a grocery store I never shop at that’s too far out of my way to consider. Was wondering how they were doing, and now I see…

  7. Member [Join Now]

    It warms my heart to hear BB Express doing so horribly.

  8. Member [Join Now]

    I agree there cases are horrible and need to change. As far as being inside stores that to me in Colorado is an advantage. Most of the major grocery chains are open 24/7 so access is no problem and I don’t have to stand behind the village idiot who takes 20 minutes to choose anything in a snowstorm. I do wish Redbox would allow codes to be used online like they do. I never can remember to keep a list of codes I have with me when I go out. I’ve got 6 I purchased from Groupon that are 2 months old now. Hopefully I’ll remember to use them before they expire.

  9. Member [Join Now]

    In April, Redbox had 40+ new releasees to BBE’s <20.

    I think I got one, maybe 2 movies last month from BBE. I got around 40 from Redbox.

    I usually pass by BBE to go to Redbox, why make 2 stops.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Laura [visitor]

    I will never use blockbuster express again after I rented a movie and returned it next day and was charged over $20. They said movie was never returned to kiosk. When I called to request they have a technician check the machine they refused. I was told I had no proof that I returned DVD. What a difference from the wonderful service I have received from Netflix. It does not surprise me that this company is losing money.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Awesome [visitor]

      Laura, Call your credit card company and dispute the charge. You may find they will reverse the charge. Have all the details handy before you call.