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Blockbuster, which is soon to become the property of Dish Network, has asked the U.S. bankruptcy court in New York for a deadline extension on a decision regarding the potential closure of hundreds of stores.

BB currently has until April 20 to decide whether to renew or terminate the leases on more than 1,700 locations. BB is asking the bankruptcy court to extend the deadline to July 20, giving the company and its new owner three more months to determine the fate of the stores in question.

Will Dish Network decide that at least some Blockbuster locations are worth keeping open? Or will the decision be made that the brick-and-mortar locations have outlived their usefulness?
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(via Home Media Magazine)

2 Responses to “Blockbuster Asks for 3-Month Extension of Lease Decision Deadline”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    tinybrat [visitor]

    according to dish, they aren’t planning on closes any stores. HOWEVER, I bet that changes once they look a little deeper into each of the 1,700 remaining locations. I’m guessing they will block signing leases on up to a third of those locations.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dots [visitor]

    I haven’t stepped into a Blockbuster in years, it’s no wonder they are all closing down. Maybe they can turn them all into adult video stores with private viewing rooms. I’m sure those would make more money than blockbuster. ;-)