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imagesIf you needed any more signs that Netflix has found its feet again since its rough summer of 2011, this latest report should convince you. Based on a recent claim by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings stating that his customers had watched more than 4 billion hours of content in the first quarter, BTIG Research analyst Richard Greenfield has reached a startling conclusion.
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Greenfield did the numbers and states that the average Netflix subscriber is spending 87 minutes per day streaming content on the service.
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If accurate, this means that Netflix has higher viewership than any cable channel. Period.

Says Greenfield:

“Netflix is now likely the most watched cable network, essentially in-line with the Disney Channel,”

Does this sound about right to you, Insiders? How much bigger will Netflix get? Or will another competitor (possibly Redbox Instant) figure out a magic recipe that will bring down the reigning king of streaming?

[via HuffPost]

6 Responses to “Analyst: Netflix Bigger Than Any Cable Network”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jamie [visitor]

    At their price point and biggest content library, it’s going to be very difficult for the other cometitors to take over the #1 spot, but there is room for more then 1 streaming service. I’m just not sure there is room for 3 or 4

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    thomas rodwell [visitor]

    love netflix.Who needs hbo or those other premium channels that show the same stuff all day every day.

  3. Member [Join Now]
    MaryPreuss [marypreuss]

    I really enjoyed netflix with the exception of their not having captioning on their online content. Both viewers in my home have difficulty hearing the younger actors who have less than great diction and slur together words. Captioning makes possible for a LARGE segment of the viewing population to fully enjoy what they are watching.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Stephen [visitor]

    Netflix has already taken over all of our kids’ TV-watching. The only thing that keeps us from cutting the cord is a) content exclusive to Amazon or Hulu and b) live sports events. I really don’t want to subscribe to three streaming services to get all the content I want, and I can’t trust that the events I watch will always be on basic digital channels. So we’re likely to be tethered for a while.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
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