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As Netflix reels from customer backlash over price increases and “Qwikstergate”, streaming rival Amazon is ramping up its game. Amazon has announced that it has forged an agreement with Fox to add more than 2,000 to the former’s streaming service.
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The Fox agreement will add television shows such as 24Arrested Development and The X-Files to Amazon’s table, as well as films such as SpeedMrs. Doubtfire and Office Space.

Amazon Prime streaming, which launched less than a year ago with around 5,000 titles, will now offer more than 11,000 movies and TV shows through its service.
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Is this Fox agreement, which is currently being crowed about by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on the company’s home page, going to hurt a Netflix that is already stumbling and on the ropes? Let us know what you think in the comments.

(via GigaOM)

7 Responses to “Amazon Adds Thousands of Fox Titles to Streaming Service”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    While it’s nice to see Amazon growing, I don’t want to see streaming as one company constantly having the most content. It would be nice to see several be strong to keep prices under control.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Abe [visitor]

    The problem I see is position. All devices I currently have to stream (3… 5 including phones) don’t support Amazon streaming, so even though I’m a prime subscriber I’ll not be able to use it unless I invest in more devices.
    I also agree with ChadCronin in having more players in the field, to keep both the services prices and the content owners in check (by charging content access to more companies they won’t try to milk one single player to death just to satisfy their greed)

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jack [visitor]

    If the device manufacturers update their software to directly support amazon, then it increases their chance at becoming a main-stream player.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Charles [visitor]

    Amazon Prime is still more expensive that Netflix. Amazon charges extra to watch several shows that are free (with subscription of course) on Netflix. Some of the TV shows that my grandkids watch for free on Netflix, for example, would be another .99 cents are more on Amazon. Doesn’t sound like a deal to me.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kristi Gilleland [visitor]

    Love Amazon prime. I love the freedom of needing something little and ordering it, knowing it will come in a day or two and is more affordable – since shipping is free with prime- than paying for gas to run to the store. Any movies and tv that I get on top of the shipping is just a really nice perk.

    I just canceled my movies by mail from netflix but kept the streaming – for now. We’ll see. There’s so much good content on ROKU that I don’t even think I need it, but my son likes some of the anime they have that is not available elsewhere.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      adelmar [visitor]

      Try blockbuster online free for a month. That’s what I have now, you can rent blu rays & games at no extra cost. Also if ur close to a blockbuster, its unlimited exchanges ! If u keep the service its only $9.99. Hope this helps.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mary [visitor]

    I think that Amazon would be more attractive if they would let you pay for Prime in monthly payments.